Feb 012024

Yesterday, the weather was less spicy – at least here. We are expecting a day or two witn some snow, but starting Saturday, it could easily be back to sunny with highs in the fifties.

Wonkette ran a guest article today, written by another substack person, Marcie Jones. I’m not going to say something like “you won’t believe it,” because, if you are paying attention, there really shouldn’t be anything you wouldn’t believe about Republicans, and especially MAGA gun-toting book-burning Republicans (Oops, i left out hard-drinking).

You all have probably seen this story … I thought that Law and Crime might actually be asking some of the right questions, though it doesn’t look much like it. It doesn’t actually take long for a video to get 5,000 views – especially if viewers are mass-forwarding the link and everyone is watching it at the same time. At least Pennsylvania has a clue what actually constitutes “Abuse of a Corpse,” as opposed to Ohio (no insult intended to Democratic Ohians who do know very well.)  Young Justin had better be grateful that no state or country today still uses the Imperial Roman punshment for the crime of patricide. It was epic.

Taxes are probably the least of our worries just now – but I did think this cartoon made its point.
