Sep 122022

A round of applause to Joanne for publishing her excellent article on Saint Javelin (that she let us enjoy first) over at Daily Kos, where she goes by her nom de plume of “underwriter505”.

Who is Saint Javelin, and why is she all over the Internet? (

Any Kossack can post articles, and there’s a system to vote and recommend ones you feel particularly worthy, with the top vote-getters being listed on the Trending Stories.

She made it up at least up to the #8 slot:

Congrats on a well-earned post!  Keep ’em coming!

[SIDEBAR:  I’ve been tied up all day juggling medical issues dealing with docs for my atrial fib, osteomyelitis and PICC line.  I see my PCP tomorrow and I’m trying to get all the ducks lined up in a row first.  It’s kept me busy!]
