May 012020

Over at Daily Kos, Kossack Noah Veil posted a Diary this week dispensing “FREE RUDE QUESTIONS” to share regarding actual “NASTY” queries that Trump should really be asked. To help in that endeavor, I’m “borrowing” a few from a very, VERY long list that I encourage you to enjoy at the link.

They tend to not follow a linear path, and I’ve scattered a few new suggestions along the way, but it deservedly earned its 474 Recommendations! And I can just envision John Cleese of Monty Python fame asking them.

NSFW Due to Language

They employ a GREAT deal of … ahhhhmmm … “salty” language that I have elected to leave as is. (Not only would they lose their punch, but otherwise I’d be spending hours cleaning them up). So considered yourself WARNED!

When were the streets of Washington D.C. emptier: During your Pandemic, or during your inauguration?

Since you claim testing isn’t necessary, why does everyone who comes near you get a test?

What kind of fucking asshole lies to people about whether they can get tested for a potentially fatal virus?

Can you define corruption and explain how many ways it applies to you?

What do you have to say to the vast majority of Americans who think you are the biggest fucking idiot to ever hold political office?

Have you ever told the truth about anything? Prove it.

Hold up a stopwatch and say …

REPORTER: “Starting now, how long can you go without telling a lie?”


TRUMP: ”I don’t tell lies….”


Well, that was quick!

This cat turd in my pocket has a higher IQ than you. Would you like to ask it a question?

Why aren’t there any graduates from Trump University in your cabinet?

If you were created in God’s image, how come we can see you?

Can you list the Ten Commandments, and tell us how many of them there are?

Nobody gives a shit what your TV ratings are. Why do you keep mentioning it?

Do you know what the word “sociopath” means, and how is it possible it does NOT apply to you, you fucking shithead?

Do you have any Neanderthal DNA?

The worst medical crisis in over a century that the US has ever faced is happening at the same time as the worst president the US has ever had is in the Oval Office.  Do you think this is a coincidence?

How disappointed are you that NO student will EVER plagiarize a SINGLE word of your incoherent rambling speeches?

Have you ever in your entire life used a dictionary?

That MIT uncle of yours who is alledgedly so smart? Tell us one single, solitary actual thing you learned from him….

That wasn’t an actual thing….

Neither was that…

Do you actually NOT know what the word “actual” means?

We are now a bigger shithole country than all the countries you called shitholes. Don’t you think they deserve an apology?

Could you please repeat your oath of office? You’ve violated it so many times that America thinks you need a refresher.

Everybody on earth recognizes that you don’t have a shred of human decency. As the worst human being who has ever lived, this is your last chance. Can you say one single empathetic thing?

By what metric are you NOT the most incompetent leader on earth … EVAH?

What’s it like being impeached?

How far have you gotten on drafting your concession speech?

When you leave office, you will obviously be arrested for your endless crimes against humanity. Do you have any preference for what prison you will spend the rest of your life?

My “Take Home” Conclusion:

