Dec 232022

Yesterday, there was not a lot of snow on the ground – there was some – but there was also a lot of soil and road showing through it. However, it was COLD.  Today should still be sub-zero C, but not also F. There should be sun, but not much melt. I did finish my electronic Christmas cards (readers of the weekly newsletter should get one. If you get the newsletter and didn’t get one by Saturday, let me know.) I am trying to stay with positive news as much as I can over the holiday.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

NM Political Report – The New Deal and the story of a New Mexican family
Quote – New Mexico has more than 300 buildings and other structures built by the Works Progress Administration and the Civilian Conservation Corps nearly a century ago. These buildings include courthouses, schools, women’s clubs and some structures and trails on National Parks and Monuments such as those at Bandelier National Monument and Carlsbad Caverns National Park. The CCC and WPA could not have been successful without the people working for them.
Click through for story. Mr. Wooley is a person to be remembered. And New Mexico was far from alone in receiving such service. Probably every state can say the same.

Wonkette – Biden Admin. Declares Housing A Human Right, Announces Plan To End Homelessness
Quote – We have a pretty big problem in this country. We need people to do low income jobs. If the pandemic taught us anything, it is that the vast majority of the workers most essential to our daily survival are the workers making the least amount of money. At the same time, the cost of housing has increased exponentially, so that there is no way these workers can afford to actually live anywhere. The plan points out that “there are only 37 affordable and available rental homes for every 100 extremely low-income renters” in the US and that there is no place where someone working full-time, earning the federal minimum wage can afford a two-bedroom apartment. The average monthly rent for a one-bedroom or studio in the United States is about $2,000 and 40 hours a week at the federal minimum wage nets only $1,208 before taxes.
Click through for background and details. Robyn Pennacchia can be snarky witht the best of them, and she also knows when that’s not appropriate.

Food For Thought
