Dec 132022

Yesterday, I started the day with Joyce Vance’s newsletter. Sorry I can’t make a link for it that cuts the first part, but you don’t have to scroll far toget to the tird paragraph where she starts on he coming seditious conspiracy trials, including how thwy have been affected by the Rhodes convictions, and then she discusses sentencing – both how it’s decided and why it takes so long. Then she finishes with a (forwarded) tweet which really spoke to me. After having read about the card Virgil got last week and how much it meant, it may speak to you too. I’m using it as today’s FFT, so you don’t even need the link to see it. Also today, Talking Points Memo released a boatload of tweets from Mark Meadows, andI’m sure you’ve heard that, since it’s being shouted from the rooftops. There is way too much for a short tape, and you’d probably rather read it directly anyway.

Cartoon 13 abel tasman RTL

Short Takes –

PolitiZoom – Hottest New Red State Christmas Gift – “The Karen Collection”
Quote – Each and every politically incorrect ™Karen Doll, whether you choose ™Dog-walker Karen, ™Storm the Capitol Karen, ™ QAnon Karen or our most popular item, ™Bar-B-Q Karen (pictured above) is guaranteed to not indoctrinate you child with liberal values such as tolerance and love for all of humanity, but rather instills in them the hatred and narrow world view that you as parent desperately want to pass on to them.
Click through for details. As someone who has made character Barbies, I doff my hat to the creativity, ingenuity, and just plain scavenging that made these possible.

BBC News – Base editing: Revolutionary therapy clears girl’s incurable cancer
Quote – Alyssa, who is 13 and from Leicester, was diagnosed with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in May last year. T-cells are supposed to be the body’s guardians – seeking out and destroying threats – but for Alyssa they had become the danger and were growing out of control. Her cancer was aggressive. Chemotherapy, and then a bone-marrow transplant, were unable to rid it from her body.
Click through for the story. I am amazed and speechless. Doug Hofstadter (who wrote “Gödel, Escher Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid”) once joked about a mainframe which was frequently going down when there were too many users, “We just need to find out where the maximum number of users is stored, and then go in and increase it.” Of course it doesn’t work that way. This appears to me just as magical as his jest.

Food For Thought

May 172022

Glenn Kirschner – If Kevin McCarthy defies subpoena, concealingTrump’s crimes, he is guilty of misprision of a felony

Meidas Touch – School Board member BLASTS parents for using religion to target LGBTQ kids (Academy District 20 is in northern Colorado Springs. Yay!)

The Lincoln Project – What was that, Elise?

MSNBC – Chris Hayes On Taking Paxlovid And What He Learned From His Covid Experience

San Francisco DA Recall – Lawrence Krasner Opposes the Recall (Remember him? Progressive Philadelphia DA? I’ve written about him, and he was in a Sam Bee segment. (IMO if we are ever going to get police reform, it will be through progressive prosecutors.)

I try not to put two Beaus in the same post, but these two make one story, so I made an exception.
Beau – Let’s talk about inflation and Biden….

Beau – Let’s talk about baby formula, Biden, and solutions….
