Feb 252022

As you all know, last week the noose continued to tighten on Trump when his accountants – Mazars – fired him with a stinging letter.

But if you happen to have read it, you realized that it was crafted by a top-notch law firm, employing some top-notched legalese.  Our friend and outspoken Trump critic (not to mention Kellyanne’s hubby), George T. Conway, Esq. (Harvard – AB [Magna Cum Laude]; Yale – JD) stepped up to translate it for us laymen.

I’ll be using snippets from the Mazars’ letter, but you can read the entire dismissal missive here:


From their letter:

MAZARS: Trump’s financial statements, from 2011 to 2020, “should no longer be relied upon”

CONWAY: You lied to us


MAZARS: “… various financial statements, as a whole, contain material discrepancies, based upon the totality of the circumstances, we believe our advice to you to no longer rely upon those financial statements is appropriate.”

CONWAY: The New York Attorney General clearly means business


MAZARS: “As a result, we are not able to provide any new work product to the Trump Organization.”

CONWAY: We’re not going to jail for YOU


MAZARS: “… we have also reached the point such that there is a non-waivable conflict of interest with the Trump Organization”

CONWAY: We’re now on Team AG


After this devastating blow from his accountants, TFG made an announcement on how he plans to proceed:


Given the Trump Organization’s history of … hmmm … creative accounting (aka, criminal malfeasance), and because we share so many of the same values, we really would’ve liked to have used the services of Arthur Andersen.  But sadly, their scandalous handling of the Enron account drove them into bankruptcy.

Consequently, Rudy Giuliani will soon announce the selection of our new accountants.

He’ll report once again from that infamous site – the Four Seasons Total Landscaping building, conveniently located next to an adult bookstore.  And fortunately for us, it has now become the Four Seasons Accounting & Tax Service.

But still in the running is the esteemed firm of Price Waterhouse Roofing & Siding.


So stay tuned …

