Feb 072020

A Dominionist cult, commonly known as ‘the family’ holds a supposedly non-partisan annual religious event called the National Prayer Breakfast.  Presidents (and Residents) of the United States routinely attend.  It’s normally pretty low key, as the family uses it to present themselves as mainstream and cover up who they really are and what they really do.  But someone forgot to tell that to the criminal Fuhrer Trump*.


At the 68th, and perhaps last, National Prayer Breakfast, the main remarks were made by the former president of the American Enterprise Institute (and Post columnist) Arthur C. Brooks, who spoke on the themes of his wonderful 2019 book “Love Your Enemies.” President Trump then prefaced his speech by saying: “Arthur, I don’t know if I agree with you. But I don’t know if Arthur’s going to like what I’m going to say.”

It was a strange moment in U.S. religious history. The command to love your enemies, of course, came from Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount. “Love your enemies, bless those that curse you, do good to them that hate you.” It might be expected for a president to express how difficult obeying such a mandate can be. Trump decided to dispute the command itself. And some in the crowd laughed.

The purpose of Trump’s sermon at the Hilton was, in fact, to put his enemies on notice. Those who pursued impeachment were “very dishonest and corrupt people.” “They know what they are doing is wrong,” he continued, “but they put themselves far ahead of our great country.” Congressional Republicans, in contrast, had the wisdom and strength “to do what everyone knows was right.”

Trump proceeded to make a thinly veiled attack against Mitt Romney of Utah, the only Republican senator to vote for the president’s removal: “I don’t like people who use their faith as justification for doing what they know is wrong.” And then a shot at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.): “Nor do I like people who say, ‘I’ll pray for you,’ when I know that is not so.”… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Washington Post>

Of course, every insult Trump* hurled at Democrats was a projection of what he and his Republicans Reich routinely do.

Trump waves ‘acquitted’ headline, takes shot at Mitt Romney in speech

Portman has his head up Trump’s* ass. The only message that Senate Republicans delivered is that there is nothing too evil for Senate Republicans to help Trump evade the consequences for doing it.

Joe Reads Bible To Critique Trump’s Prayer Breakfast Speech

Joe should not be surprised that the so-called believers there sided with Trump instead of Jesus. The NPV is sponsored by the Fellowship Foundation, aka ‘the family’. A Dominionist cult, they believe that they need to take over government to make the earth fit to receive Republican Supply-side Jesus on his return. Their vehicle they use to achieve this end is the Republican Reich. They are NOT Christians. Not all Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians are Dominionists, but all Dominionists are Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians.

Lawrence: Prayer Breakfast Rant Shows Trump Doesn’t Understand What Love Is

Very astute, Lawrence. The inability to experience love in relationships is a common symptom of Narcisistic Personality Disorder.

I’ve heard it said that Trump* has no soul. But he has what he is… an ass-soul!

