Oct 012020

It’s surgery day here in the CatBox.  Please pardon my pit stop!  Hugs to all!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:09 (average 4:24).  To do it, click here.


I was in the stands!


Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!


  13 Responses to “Personal Update – 10/1/2020”

  1. Cartoon: To this day, I remember my dad going over the moon with this happening! You were in the stands?! FANTASTIC! Such a great memory for you! 
    Hope that all goes well for you in surgery, and that you get home safely. Take good, good care, rest & relax, you deserve it! 

    This just in: “The post debate survey is……60% Biden won! dt – 20%. Loser!”  ~ Rebecca C. ~
    2. “The commission of Presidential Debates plans to issue strict new rules in the coming days that include cutting off a candidate’s microphone if they violate the rules.” ~ James S. ~ 
    3. “I’m looking for a president that is humble enough to understand that they are a servant.”
    ~ General McChrystal ~ 
    4. “I have to compliment dt on doing an excellent job at last night’s debate demonstrating that he’s a despicable ignorant fool.” ~ John Brennan~ 
    5. I would like to be remembered as someone who used whatever talent she had to do her work to the best of her ability.” ~ Ruth Bader Ginsberg ~ 

    • TJI#4 Have to agree with John Brennan. 
      TJI#5 She certainly surpassed her goals with all that she did in her lifetime. 

    • TJI #3 – So am I. But most people aren’t. (And it’s very rare for a person to combine the drive to get the job with the humility to do it. I’m actually very impressed by how many we have managed to find over 200 years. Certainly not all of them, But more than a few.)
      TJI #5 – Wouldn’t we all. But she actually did – and will be so remembered (Sniff)

    • #2 – Chris Wallace made a valid point WRT giving the Moderator a mute button: That could come back to haunt the person in charge w/ claims of favoritism and undermine their credibility.

      I wonder if having it automatically set that, w/e the agreed on time limit is, the mic automatically get turned off.

  2. ‘Toon: Both feats are impressive.  
    The very best to you, this day especially!!!!!!!

  3. Our friend, an exp-pat Brit, who has relatives in the UK, and S. Africa, said that the people there were “horrified” at Dumpy’s performance.  My cousin in Uppsala said that none was surprised, as they “know he’s an asshole.”
    Are we GREAT yet?

  4. Cartoon: Amazing that you were able to see it happen. I was 8 when he did it, so not quite into basesball yet.
    I’m praying that your surgery goes well and that you have a speedy recovery. Plus that getting this done, you’ll feel a whole lot better. 
    Keep us posted. 
    Take care. Thanks TomCat

  5. Cartoon – It was a Sunday – I was a senior in high sckool – I have no idea what I was doing I probably went to Sunday School and Church, but after thatt, who knows. That is a great memory for you, though!

    Been thinking and praying about your surgery. Speaking of prayers, keep Zach in them through at least the end of this month, please…

  6. Appendages remain crossed for your surgery!

  7. I hope everything went well, TomCat. It must have been energy-gobbling nevertheless, so rest as much as you need to before coming back to us.

  8. It is officialTrump and Melania have COVID-19 and are quarantining at the WH.  Apparently Pence has not yet been officially tested but IMO, should be tested without delay.  Doctors have advised House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to isolate since she is in line for control of the country should both Trump and Pence be sidelined with the virus.

    I am not going to say “It serves him right!” but I may really think it given how Trump has so mangled the response to COVID,

    I hope all is well TC and that you are snug as a bug in a rug safely sleeping in your bed.  No doubt you will be in additional pain for a few days so stay down as long as you need to!  I am thinking no news is good news.  Saying prayers for you (as usual) along with the kids.

  9. Prayers have been with you TC

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