Mar 072024

Yesterday, the Beau video I have posted for today actually got a “Wow!” out loud from me (right about in the middle.) The Israeli government may be negligent and pidheaded, but the Israeli Armed forces (the IDF) – well, sometimes I wish our military were as smart and as outspoken as the Israeli one is being now.

This is from the New York Times (without the paywall). You know we always put a lot of effort into GOTV efforts, because when we vote we win – we are the majority. Republicans know that no amount of GOTV will give them wins, so they are putting effort into disqualifying legitimate voters .

I’m not sure what to make of this. It’s so crazy it’s funny – but it seems inappropriate to laugh at something so likely to cause so many deaths. (I wonder what Beau will have to say, if anything.)


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