Mar 052024

Yesterday, I went through the mail that Trinette brought in on Sunday – there was less than usual total for the week, but more than usual I needed to deal with. A medical bill follow up for a bill I just turned ove to the HRA on Saturday evening. Another medical bill which a neighbor kindly put in my mailbox since there was a typo in the address. An envelope from Virgil which contained no letter, just a Xerox of a flyer for a convention (fact – since I’m not cleared to drive yet to see him, it’s unlikely I would want to go to a convention, even if I were interested :-)) And a renewal notice from PBS (including “Passport”). Yes, it’s time. And seeing as I also got an email telling me “Dead Man Walking” will be aired on and/or after March 19.

If you have ever pondered about why so many Republicans vote against their own interests – and, even harder to track, what that habit does to them – well, this post addresses that, and provides you with two further links, one to a podcast by John Fugelsang and the other to the book written by the author John is interviewing in the podcast. Hey, we know they are stupid. Sometimes we even think painfully stupid. But this points out they are actually heartbreakingly stupid.

Apparently the Trump** team did not make these deepfakes (I really shouldn’t call them that as they are not that professional – just the product of a crazy loner), but the Trump** team doesn’t appear to have disclaimed tham either.


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