Mar 012024

Yesterday, I got an email from VoteVets (not unusual). This one – I can’t give you a link to the content, only to donate, but I can quote this: “There’s a reason it was Senator Tammy Duckworth who introduced the bill to protect IVF in the Senate. It’s because Senator Duckworth has used it herself. After she was wounded in combat, IVF helped her become a mother. Many Veterans who were wounded in combat use IVF to have children. It’s their only option. Attacks on IVF — like the ones coming from the Republican appointed Supreme Court in Alabama — are attacks on wounded Veterans.”

This is a good news story though what’s in it is mostly not new. Shakespeare wrote, “Some are born great, others achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.” But I think that great people are often shaped by the people around them – that and a willingness to learn, from anyone and everyone, things which go into their becoming great.


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