Feb 202024

Yesterday, one of the first things I did was check on my credit crard, and saw that the erroneous charges have been removed. I slept in, but I checked caller ID and I have not missed any phone calls today. I also have not receeived an email on the subject. It’s possible they just voided the transactions and didn’t tell anyone, but it’s also possible the Card company deleted them, with or without notification. They are watching the account also, so at this point I don’t need to call them again. I knew I would not be on the hook for the charges.

Many of us have issues with family, or longtime friends, who are Republicans. We all handle these issues in our own ways, because that is who we are. If any of us is dissatisfied with what we are currently doing, Mary Trump’s thoughts on this may help, one way or another.

This explains a lot. And notice, it can be acomplished without any politicians getting involved in the process.

Remember Justin Jones? he has a message for us. (Don’t click on the Xitter link – give it time to load – and if it still doesn’t, the transcript is complete, only missing his photo.)

(We did help through Greece – and that was “obsolete” ammunition, and I guess all we had – now, Congress’s approval is required to give anything. We could sell, but….)


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