Jan 032024

Well, yesterday I got a lot done. I got my checking account on record for direct deposit with my new HRA custodian, and put in a recurring claim for my Part D premium which is paid automatically on my main credit card.  Then I verified that my new HRA credit card is on file with my new pharmacy so that can get automatically paid as I refill   I brought in packages, two with variius forms of ginger (lozenges, tea, and crystallized), which I’ll be using some at least, alththough i am keeping food down for now – and one with some personal hygiene items.  The exterminator came for the third time, was able to give me something of an update (progress in some areas, inside and out, and in others, not so much) and set the nest appointment for the 15th.  I cleaned and re-bandaged an injury to my left foot which I needed a hand-held mirror to even partially see – don’t ask how it happened because I have no clue.  It is getting better too, but taking its sweet time about it.

I’m not yet ready to commit to a blog every day, but II do want to share this from Robert Reich (Substack of course) :because, though it doesn’t mince words, is nevertheless constructive:

Welcome to (gulp) 2024

What can the rest of us do between now and the election to help save American democracy?

Ten suggestions:

1. Become even more politically active. For some of us, this will mean taking more time out of our normal lives — up to and including getting out the vote in critical swing states. For others, it will mean phone banking, making political contributions, writing letters to editors, and calling friends and relations in key states.

Aside from that – remember Godwn’s Law?  I forget the eaxct wording, but it was something like “In a political argument, the first one to bring up Hitler loses.”  Well, Godwin himself – the Godwin who wrote the law – is now saying we must compare Trump** to Hitler – that failure to do so would be irresponsibe.  Yup.  Thank Crooks and Liars for that bit of truth..

And I’m afraid this cartoon is all too true –



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