Dec 132023

I’m typing this on the 12th, but the 12th is almost over, and the article/email I want to share didn’t come in until late.  It’s from Joyce Vance, and it’s in regard to Kathy Griffin.  Griffin and Vance are personal friends, which would probably cause Joyce to recuse from the case (in an abundance of caution) if she were a judge, but IMO should not prevent her from weighing in on the legal merits, and legally speaking there are two issues, one being the first amendment, and the second being jurisdiction.  In fact, the title of her piece is “Can A Court in Tennessee Rule Against You If You Live In California?”

It’s no news to anyone here (and probably no news to anyone anywhere in the country) that Kathy is outspoken and woke, and outspoken about wokeness.  I can’t help wondering how much this lawsuit is prompted by misogyny (misogyny which was amply displayed in the incident which ultimately led to there being a lawsuit.)  Of course, hate, being an emotion, can’t very well be illegal, or made illegal.  The law can only deal with the actions it inspires.  I’ll just leave opinions at this point for y’all to decide.

I still haven’t listened to the RBG album yet.  I have read through the composer bios and the lyrics – there is much in both to inspire laughter, tears, or both at once.  (The last one is her big aria from Scalia/Ginsburg, sung by the composer.)


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