Nov 192023

Dearest Rosalynn, rest in peace eternal.  Few deserve that rest as much as you do. You will be deely mourned and greatly missed. And that mourning will not be for your fate, but for our own loss. Don’t begrudge it to us.


I am not up to a real tribute yet, although I am slowly but steadily improving.  But I suspect by the time everyone has seen this, the comments will be filled wwith tributes, including some to Jimmy, whi is now, at least for a while, alone.


I woke up this morning without my usual back pain – oddly, the same thing happened when I was in the hospital – after I moved to rehab, I continued to wake up pin free untill the final 3 or 4 days I was there.  It appears my body craves a change of bed every couple of weeks or so.  Well, sorry, body, that’s not going to happen.   But thanks for the respite.

From now, I’ll try to keep posting at least every other day, though it’s likely to be short  It isn’t just me – I need to get things done around the house to make it safer, some of which I should have already done, and that takes time.  So the house has to heal was well as me.  I do have one contractor coming tomorrow.  But Rome, as they say, wasn’t built in a day, and neither will this be.  Stay tuned for updates.





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