Sep 282023

Yesterday, in Tish James’s New York suit against the Trump Organization, both sides had filed a motion for summary judgment. Only the one for the plaintiff was granted, and the judge had some words for the defendant and his lawyers. Wonkette is just one of the sources by which those words are getting covered, but it may be the most snarky one (it’s on Substack).

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Crooks & Liars – It’s Time For A ‘Rural New Deal’
Quote – [I]n May, Fix Our House released an analysis arguing that “Congress lacks the incentive structure necessary to responsibly handle crucial tasks like raising the debt limit.” While “gerrymandering is a huge problem,” polarization is also an issue, as “rural voters are increasingly trending more to the right, and urban voters more to the left,” the Fix Our House report says. Members of Congress elected in uncompetitive districts fear primaries, so they focus on their voting base and refrain from working with “the enemy.” RUBI director Anthony Flaccavento said Tuesday that “the extreme political divide in our country robs rural communities of the resources and opportunities they need, while making it nearly impossible to address the biggest problems we face as a nation.”
Click through for more, including details on what such a deal would include. I don’t see it happening as long as there is a GQP majority in even one house. Another reason to vote the full ticket.

Democratic Underground (Brooklynite) – Booker Statement on Senator Robert Menendez
Quote – For nearly a decade, I’ve worked in the Senate alongside Senator Menendez. As New Jersey’s junior Senator, I imagine that I’ve had more professional experiences with him than most others…. Senator Menendez is again facing a federal indictment, one that contains shocking allegations of corruption and specific, disturbing details of wrongdoing. I’ve found the allegations hard to reconcile with the person I know…. There is, however, another higher standard for public officials, one not of criminal law but of common ideals…. Stepping down is not an admission of guilt but an acknowledgment that holding public office often demands tremendous sacrifices at great personal cost. Senator Menendez has made these sacrifices in the past to serve. And in this case he must do so again. I believe stepping down is best for those Senator Menendez has spent his life serving.
Click through for full statement (with link to Sen. Booker’s government site.) Wow. Now, THAT is how it’s done.

Food For Thought


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