Sep 192023

Yesterday, I woke up late, with a sinus headache – and despite having slept long, kept dropping off all day. And I need to mention that Sunday, my pretibial myxedema also made a liar out of me. I have had the conditin for well over 20 years and have never had a moment’s pain from it until Sunday night. Not that it lasted long – but while it did – it was humbling. Anyway – I hit the sack just as soon as I finished getting everything up. If I didn’t respond to your comments, apologies. I will eventually.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

The 19th – Americans don’t trust politicians on abortion and gender-affirming care, poll finds
Quote – When asked whether “politicians are informed enough about abortion to create fair policies,” a sizable majority of voters from both parties said they strongly or somewhat disagreed. Seventy-six percent of Democrats disagreed, followed by 68 percent of Republicans and 69 percent of independents. This majority held across men, women and nonbinary Americans, as well as across races and ethnicities. When asked the same question about gender-affirming health care for minors, 77 percent of Democrats, 74 percent of Republicans and 69 percent of independents strongly or somewhat disagreed that politicians have enough information to create fair policy. This majority was also consistent across genders, ethnicities and races.
Click through for details. In a way it’s nice to know that the American people have this much sense. But it would be nicer if they would elect more politicians who are better informed.

PolitiZoom – Steve Schmidt Nails ‘Disastrous’ MTP Interview, How TV Journos Keep Playing Into Trump’s Hands
Quote – This is the best blow by blow analysis you’re going to hear of not only the failed interview of Donald Trump on Meet the Press this Sunday, and what a blown opportunity that was, but also of the failure of television journalism as a whole to deal with the Trump phenomenon and the political situation in this country today.
Click through for article. Steve Schmidt never pulls any punches.

Food For Thought


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