Aug 242023

Yesterday, I started looking at cartoons for September. You may remember that when I took over, I went back 8 years (to 2013 at the time) intending tto reuse as many cartoons as possible made by TC and if one was out of date, or there wasn’t one, to make one. Now it is 2023 so I am up to 2015, and next month is September. There are cartoons for the first and the second (both usable.) That was when TC slipped into a coma which resulted in the loss of his left leg below the knee. So. In the past couple of years, I have made 8 or 10 historical cartoons for dates in September. That leaves a bunch to be filled in. I have been through the historical calendar and picked out some events – there was one day when there really was nothing, so I will be using one with no particular date which I made recently just because I thought of it for that day. If while making them I decide that the event I selected is not really that interesting, I will do some filling in with undated images I have made using the Bayeux app, and if necessary, from memes I have put together which have no particular date but are still applicable. I will need to frame those (I have already framed the Bayeux ones) but that’s much faster than starting from scratch. So it will be interesting. Benedict Arnold and William Wallace ate likely to turn up as well as Mary Queen of Scots. Maybe Karl Marx. We shall see.  Also yesterday, I solve the New Yorker Name Drop on the second clue.  That would not have happened had I not, when it was newly out, watched every minute of Ken Burns’s multi-part documentary on country music.  That man can keep one spellbound for hours about a topic in which one has no interest otherwise.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Politico “Morning Money” – SCROLL DOWN to “What’s Biden’s Superman story?”
Quote – “Imagine a Superman movie where all Superman does is fly around Metropolis and never fights anybody,” [Adam Green] said. “That’s such a boring movie. If you want to position yourself as a hero, you have to have a villain in the story.”
Click through for a pretty short but definitely pointed article, which it took me an hour to find because of Politico’s linking system. Democrats don’t like demonizing anyone or even anything but Green is right. We have to find something – probably a policy rathr than a person or a group – or some behavior – because, while I am very happy woth “boring,” it’s a really tough sell.

HuffPost – Many Americans Still Wrongly Think Guns Make Us Safer
Quote – Though the poll found that percentages of Americans who believe that false claims are “definitely” true is small, the portion who think they are “probably” true is substantial. Overall, between half and three-quarters of the country belong to what KFF CEO Drew Altman called the “muddled middle,” saying that the false claims were “probably” either true or false. Perhaps most striking of the poll’s findings is the incorrect belief, held by many Americans, that guns make them safer.
Click through for discouraging story. These beliefs are mostly based on gut feelings, which are the hardest beliefs to change. They are impervious to facts and science. I’ve had a few of my own, and you probably have too.

Food For Thought


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