Jun 062023

Yesterday, I learned that the Smithsonian has three meerkay pups (aand also that the collective noun for meerkats is “mob.” Boy, does that ever fit!) They don’t have a live cam, but they do have a short (32 seconds) video. The parents are named Frankie and Sadie. The pups won’t be named for a while, because they have not been sexed (hey, this is America) and won’t be for a while because the keepers are staying out of the meerkats’ business. They do offer several photos for download in case anyone is looking for a new wallpaper.

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Short Takes –

The Conversation – US Army Maj. Gen. George H. Thomas’ journey from enslaver to Union officer to civil rights defender
Quote – Hundreds of thousands of African American Southerners supported the Union by escaping slavery and serving in the Union army. But there were thousands of white Southerners who also supported the Union. George H. Thomas, known to history as “the Rock of Chickamauga,” is the most prominent of them…. When the Civil War broke out, nearly all the Southern career officers left the U.S. Army to serve in the Confederacy. But, as his adjutant and first biographer wrote in “The Life of Major-General George H. Thomas,” Thomas viewed his oath as an army officer to defend the Constitution as more binding than his feelings of loyalty to his native state.
Click through for full story.  Transformations like this one are not common, but they do happen – perhaps it’s partly because they are rare that we are drawn to their stories.

New Mexico Political Report – Former GOP candidate faces federal charges for shootings of homes of prominent Dems
Quote – In 2022, [Solomon] Peña ran for the state House District 14 seat against incumbent Democrat Miguel Garcia. Garcia won the race with 74 percent of the vote to Peña’s 26 percent. “Refusing to accept his electoral defeat, Peña organized a shooting spree that targeted the homes of four elected officials and their families,” court records state. The shootings took place between Dec. 4 , and Jan. 3.
Click through for details. From a true-blue hearted General from a red state to a blood-red hearted ex-candidate in a blue state. Democrats, progressives, believe that everyone is a hman being and should be treated as such. But in today’s political climate, sometimes even we forget that – especially when it comes to red and blue states.

Food For Thought


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