Mar 082023

Yesterday, I decided whuch urgent care to visit, and went there – unfortunately I ended up walking completely around the building before finding the right door. I didn’t have to wait long. The doctor thought maybe a lipoma, maybe an abcess (I don’t think it’s an abcess – for one thing it’s not hot enough and for another all the abcesses I have seen [granted mostly in cats] hurt more constantly. This spot hasn’t hurt to speak of since last week at this time.) She sent me for an ultrasound and drew a line around the spot, which endeared her to the ultrasound tech (the spot today is the shape of a grand piano lid, except that the distance from thr bottom line nearest the keys to the rounded top is only 4 cm – less than 2″ (Last week this time it was about the size and shape of a standard playing card with the corners rounded off – seems it only increases in size when pain is present.) He did not find any fluid or underlying mass, so it’s still a mystery. I did just manage to pick up my prescription on the way home, and still get home – well, a couple of minutes after sunset, but with almost a half hour of “civil twilight” to spare. But I was exhausted. I have put up a half-sized video thread, using just videos where I have more than one in the queue from the source, in order not to get too behind or have to cut something good. Otherwise, see y’all tomorrow.

Cartoon –



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