Oct 162022

By Doug Chayka

I’ve made my feeling about Dinesh D’Souza known a few times, so I’d like to offer a rebuttal of sorts to his “2000 Mules” purported documentary supposedly proving massive voter fraud in the 2000 election:


To begin, it should be noted that D’Souza is not just a convicted felon, but someone who pled guilty and was incarcerated for ACTUALLY violating election laws:

Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced today the guilty plea of DINESH D’SOUZA to violating the federal election campaign law by making illegal contributions to a United States Senate campaign in the names of others. D’SOUZA, whose trial was scheduled to start today, pled guilty this morning in Manhattan federal court to violating the federal campaign election law by making illegal contributions….


So D’Souza, an actual voter fraud convict, has made his “documentary” out of whole cloth, with baseless claims about Democrats violating election laws.

That’s pretty much the definition of chutzpa.



If Dinesh D’Souza & his cronies had any actual evidence of voter fraud instead of just their wild rumors, unproven allegations and harebrained conspiracy theories, they would have presented it in court.  I mean Trump’s legal team has had more than SIXTY opportunities to do so.



So, Dinesh – just for the fun of it, let’s say everything you postulate is factual.  What evidence do you have that all of these “fake” ballots were votes for Biden?

They more likely would have been for Trump.  After all, multiple people have been prosecuted for voter fraud in 2020 and so far, EVERY SINGLE INDICTMENT & CONVICTION has involved republicans or Right-Wing radicals.




If voter fraud, as D’Souza Claims, had to be used to get Biden elected, how come the Democrats don’t have huge majorities in the House, Senate and state legislatures?  I mean, if voter fraud was so easy-peasy to do at the Presidential level, why not do it up and down the entire ballot?



Finally, Joe Biden easily defeated Donald Trump in the safest and “most secure in American history.”



This has been confirmed by:

Trump’s own DOJ

Trump’s own DHS

Trump’s own AG

Trump’s own VP

Trump’s own FBI


PLUS, over 80 judges (many appointed by Trump himself) in over 60 court cases

PLUS, three times before SCOTUS which is packed with right-wing justices, including three of Trump’s own appointees

PLUS, multiple recounts and forensic audits

PLUS, the “Ninja” audit that was funded by Trump supporters in a FAILED effort to prove election fraud

PLUS, multiple lawyers involved with election fraud challenges have admitted – UNDER OATH – they had no evidence of fraud

PLUS, Rudy Giuliani admitted – UNDER OATH – he had no evidence of fraud

HELL, even Sidney Powell herself admitted in a filing to the Federal District Court for The District Of Columbia that her own voter fraud claims were so deranged that “no reasonable person would conclude that the statements were truly statements of fact.”



Bottom Line: Anyone who believes the 2020 Presidential election was stolen is certifiably insane.



In college, D’Souza was editor of Dartmouth’s newspaper “Dartmouth Review” and his nickname on campus was “Distort D’Newsa”.





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