Dec 292021

Glenn Kirschner – House Select Committee Investigates 3-Hour Delay In Trump Calling Off the Attack on the US Capitol

Don Winslow – Don Winslow Films – #WhyTrumpAlwaysWalksFree

Meidas Touch – Scaramucci: I’m embarrassed for Kevin McCarthy and his family

MSNBC – We’re Prepared’: Biden Speaks With Governors About Covid Response Efforts

Really American – COVID Reveals Republicans Science Denialism

Tiny Abandoned Kitten Asks Woman For Help

Beau – Let’s talk about origin stories and you….


  4 Responses to “Video Thread 12/29/2021”

  1. Comment from Mitch – 

    GK: Closing in, are they?  ALRIGHT!DW: What a sickening letter!  He knew what kind of criminal life the fat bastard had led.  I find it hard to believe that Vance 
    was reluctant to charge the swine.  But, hey, what do I know?
    MT: It seems that Mooch has found a home!  But, his reference to “…the principles of the Republican Party,” have never, actually, 
    existed, beyond bigotry and greed.  The Platforms” they used to put out were nicely veiled excuses to further those entwined agendas.
    But, I digress.  Mooch–I’m impressed.  
    MSNBC: He needs to get out more!  Maybe he can do some “Fireside chats” which could allow his quiet demeanor to shine.
    RA: Dumpness is aiming for ’24, and knows manipulation like nobody else.  Oh, and yes, his followers are that stupid.
    Dodo: “It was meant to be.” is a bit much, given the power of hindsight, but the story is adorable.  My 1st wife, and I took in 2 abandoned 
    cats, years ago.  the one we did not give to neighbors, with whom we lost touch, was a wonderful pet.
    Beau: Fixing is good. I’d not heard of the rule until now.  I like it, though.  Apparently, it has a rather negative origin, referring, originally,
    to.303 caliber rifles, in South Africa.
    P.S.: Ghislane Maxwell was just found guilty of sex terafficking!


    • Considering the date on that letter I think it was a more or less meaningless curtesy letter.  But what do I know.

      Great minds – Maxwell is tomorrow’s first chort take.

  2. JM: When will Glen Kirschner admit that this is not the DOJ he knows and holds in high regard?

    DW: Oops. Another one bites the dust. Is there no one at that level not tainted by corruption?

    MSNBC: He’s not the greatest speaker, but as Mitch said, Biden should get more of these ads out. Please, no Trumpian press conferences/photo ops but quiet, reserved ads like these, that are focussed on accomplishments and maintaining calm at the same time.

    RA: As long as TFG has followers, RA can make these attack ads. And he’ll have idiot followers well into the next election.

    Beau: I was unaware of Rule .303 and had to look it up. I was surprised it was linked to an Australian “hero”, Breaker Morant. The story goes that he and two others were court-martialed to be made an example of by a hypocritical court for behaviour that was common practice and actively encouraged by military superiors. But this is as far as my understanding goes at this point and I’ll have to dig further to see why Beau has now turned into the moral beacon for Rule .303, or as he puts it, we all are.

    • I didnt  know the origin either … and I have heard of Breaker Morant, but don’t know much about him.  However, I do know Rule 303 – If you have the means to fix the problem, you have the responsibilitu to act.”  I wouldn’t call i a moral foundation – the foundtaion is whatever you use to determine what is and isn’t a problem. (For example, we think racism is a problem whereas the GQP thinks people of color are the problem.  Obviously we have different foundatins.)  But it’s a great guideline for when to do something.  Watch for his Tshirt that says “3v0lv3” – that will always be a call to some kond of action – if one has the means.

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