Dec 242021

Glenn Kirschner – Congress Contemplates Criminal Referrals For Trump and Company for Crimes of January 6

MSNBC – Why Biden Is Winning Big, Even With A Bad Hand (We need better messaging)

No Dem Left Behind – Gearing up for the New Year with Richard Ojeda and NDLB

VoteVets – Brig.Gen.(Ret.) Steven Anderson Discusses WaPo Op-Ed & 2024 Insurrection Threat on CNN OutFront

The Lincoln Project – Santa Trump

Now This News – Dinosaur Egg Has 72M-Year-Old Embryo

Beau – Let’s talk about the Newsweek article and Trump….


  4 Responses to “Video Thread 12/24/2021”

  1. Comment from Mitch – 

    GK: Looking forward to the referrals, and hoping for the DOJ to bust chops!P.S.: I’m glad he did a piece on bringing Mike Flynn back to active duty, so he can be Court-Martialed.  Flynn makes Benedict Arnold 
    almost look like a good guy.
    MSNBC: Trump is ALL about pumping up his image, and little else, so of course he’d brag his fat ass off!  And, “He’s hurt by,” Faux News 
    focusing on the negative issues.  While at the gym, they were all about the inflation issue…but, that’s what they do.
    NDLB: It is going to be a crazy political year, whatever the DOJ does, or does not do.
    VV: Wishing them, and us, luck!
    LP: Piece of crap finally told a truth!
    NTN: Absolutely phenomenal, and exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Beau: I can’t wait until the day we no longer need, nor want to, talk about the Empty Orange!  “Many of them will age out of voting, permanently, over the next three years,” Beau said, referring to the clown’s base.  They are going to die out, as Omicron runs through the country.  It is already here, in Fl..The country has a ridiculous percent of overweight, and obese, people, some 46% as I recall a recent article mentioning.  Fat is not the inactive storage 
    tissue it used to be thought to be.  It is metabolically active, and serves as a reservoir for virus, which then grows in number within such a person, and is deadlier.  And, I will go out on a limb, to suggest that the red bible belt (full of GOPers?) has more of these folks than the rest of the country, by percentage.  
    Of course, “age out” may have been Beau’s  euphemistic way of putting it.  “Newsweek” was rather laughable, along with “Time” when I was in college, and paid any attention to either of these mags.  So, does the publisher of Newsweek have an ax to grind, a political agenda? 

  2. JL has sent me the link to this beautiful song by Joni Mitchel which I want to share with you before  Christmas Day starts.

  3. JM: As Kirschner points out, there is plenty of evidence of crimes. Stop contemplating, start with criminal referrals. And get We The People behind it to make sure the DOJ doesn’t smother these referrals in the crib.

    MSNBC: If Republicans can take credit for bills they’ve in fact voted against, then why can’t Biden manage to take credit for all the good he’s done. Democrats need to stop falling into the same old GQP trap they’ve done for years and stop blaming Republicans. They need to turn it about and start tart taking credit for their, and notably Biden’s successes.
    Stop being defensive and go on the offence.

    LP: Splendid how they turned TFG’s hypocrisy into an ad against anti-vaxxers.

    NTN: I’ve been reading about this and watching the marvellous artist impressions as stills these past two days. But the video really made the little dinosaur “chick” in its egg come alive when it moved and blinked. Imagine how much more treasures there must be in storage that nobody has had time to study yet.

    Beau: Beau’s hits the nail on the head when he calls out Newsweek for publishing such an irresponsible article. His argumentation against it leaves no room to manoeuvre. It would have made more of an impression if that is possible if he hadn’t worn this lovely Aristocat T-shirt. Though I think this picture suits Beau better.

    Not that I think anyone can…

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