Dec 092021

Yesterday, after a week when it was hard to find videos and articles, I found so many that tomorrow’s calumns are practically done already. Well, that’s a good thing for me, since I see Virgil on Saturday, but I hope it won’t result in feeling like old news. If there’s something you don’t see today, it may already be scheduled for tomorrow.

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Short Takes

Crooks and Liars – Dana Milbank Proves Biden Coverage Is As Negative As Trump’s
Quote – Yep. Turns out, Biden’s press coverage for the past four months has been as bad as — and for a time worse than — the coverage Trump received for the same four months of 2020. Let that sink in. Joe Biden is being treated the same as Trump, whose criminal behavior was a daily occurrence in plain view.
Click through. You mau not have even realized that this is measurable. But it is.

HuffPost – Explainer: How Unusual To Charge Parents In School Shooting?
Quote – A 2019 assessment by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security found that guns came from the home of a parent or close relative in 76% of school attacks where firearms were used. In about half, the firearms were easily accessible. But laws aimed at restricting gun access are not always enforced and vary in strength, experts say. “Our laws haven’t really adapted to the reality of school shootings, and the closest we have are these child access prevention laws,” said Kris Brown, president of the Brady gun control advocacy group
Click through for multiple examples and rationales.

Wonkette – Fox News Presents Holiday Classic ‘How The Black Lives Matter Stole Christmas’
Quote – Because we know how to look things up for ourselves, we were able to go to the Black Lives Matter website and learn about the Black Christmas campaign, just to see how full of shit Hegseth is. It’s so innocuous, if you’re not a mouthbreathing white racist. It has sections for #BuildBlack and #BuyBlack and #BankBlack, and it indeed encourages people to spend their money with Black-owned businesses and banks, instead of propping up white supremacist systems.
Click through. A news clip about the tree will be in today’s Video Thread.

Food for Thought –

(Nashville  has extra room now after rmoving the caricature og Nathan Bedford Forrest.)


  6 Responses to “Open Thread for December 9, 2021”

  1. Comment from Mitch

    Toon: They’ve been stealing goodies for a very long time.C&L: If true, and I have no reason to doubt it, this is awful.  I am not a consumer of newspaper material, esp. since WaPo has a block for 
    non-subscribers.  Much of the news media, papers, esp. is owned by Sinclair, and similar right leaning folk.  But, yes, either way,if this is true, these outlets are working against democracy.  Where is Peter Zenger when WE need him?
    HP: Charging these parents makes complete sense to me, an the “You just have to learn not to be caught,” from mom, is so telling, goes back to the 
    question of whether, or not, people ought to have to be licensed in order to procreate.
    Wonkette: Virtually anything Faux puts out is nothing but twisted, propagandistic, BS.
    FFT: I love it.  We were in Richmond, recently, and they have some nice empty pedestals, as well.

  2. In fairness, the media may not even realize they are doing it.  When one holds a person to ahhiigher standard, one tends to be harder on him.  Another point is that Democrats are extremely unwilling to overpromise and under-deliver.  GOP voters don;t pay attemtion, but ours do, and we don’t want to alienate them if wwe can avoid it.  But that way, we don’t always reach the non-core voters with any message at all.  Jen Psaki is honest as the day is long in July – and you and I love it – but I wonder how many people outside our core even know who she is, let alone what she says.  Even if they do, her answers to gotha uestions areso honest hat topeople who aren’t even as stupid as Baby Dooce that may come across as “She didn’t even answer the question.”  But in any case, the study used algorithms to evaluate connotations wo/emotional effectsrd by word.  And it’s not surprising if that kind of hard look reveals something most people didn’t realize was going on.

  3. Cartoon: Yep, that’s them…all evil scrooges. 
    C&L: I tend to disagree. President Biden’s press coverages have been about serious matters; having to do lockdowns due to Covid-19, vaccines, ending the war in Afghanistan , the rotten R’s/GOPiggies, and many other things. He’s has had a lot thrown on his plate all at once.
    HuffPost: Yes hold them accountable 100%. They’re the ones who purchased the gun and turned around and gave it to their son. 
    Wonkette: Ditto Mitch. Faux news sucks. 
    Food for Thought: Good idea. I honestly don’t think people will ever forget Covid-19 and all it did to the World. It killed so many people, closed down so many businesses, changed the way people work, gather, shop, etc. 
    It’s been a long day, I had to see my arm surgeon today at 1:00. She mentioned I can go to hand therapy. I told her that I’ll schedule it after the holidays are over. She said that ill be fine. Then had a couple of other errands to do. We had our first rain today, the last time was mid-October. The next rain is next Tuesday when I see my other doctor. 
    I hope that the weather is doing well there, especially when you’ll be going to see Virgil on Saturday. 
    Take care. Thanks Joanne

    • The artcle is not attacking Biden; it’s sauing that the media, including the so-called liberal media, has been playing up wnything that doesn’t look picture perfect and downplaying his accomplishments. And using loaded language while doing it which make hin sound less competent that he is. And that is the God’s truth. If the media really communicated his accomplishments for what they are, his approval rating would not be as low as it is.

      I’m glad you can get hand therapy, and it makes sense to wait until after the holidays. Keep us updated.

      The weather is supposed to be clear there amd mostly cloudy here. I hope that’s accurate. Exppectin snow here (and rain tere) tomorrow, but it should all beover by Saturday am.

  4. I am not one to be a conspiracy theorist, but I am willing to believe “the media” wants GOP success, chaos, and at least political conflicts in the US….

    • There’s not much conspiracy about that.  “The media” is owned by billionaires, billionaires want nothing but more money regardless of who else suffers, and in that society there will be chaos and political conflict.

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