Nov 262021

Glenn Kirschner – Michael Cohen Tells CNN that New York and Federal Prosecutors are Working Toward Indictments

politicsrus – Insulin

Thom Hartmann – Why Won’t Social Media Stop “Tokyo Roses” From Destroying Our Democracy?

Vox – Why you don’t hear about the ozone layer anymore. How did we manage to not get this dismissed as a hoax? And how can we do it again?

MSNBC – There’s Still Work To Do’ Says Rev. Al Sharpton On Arbery Trial Guilty Verdict

Rocky Mountain Mike – Auto Con-Bot 3000 (not a song.  But funny.

Beau – Let’s talk about hot takes, the Christmas parade, and intent….


  2 Responses to “Video Thread 11/26/21”

  1. JM: Let’s hope Cohen gets proven right very soon.

    PRU: In between 2002 and 2013, insulin’s cost had leapt by more than 200 per cent, from $231 to $736 per patient annually. Those costs have more than doubled since then. Based on production costs, insulin analogues should cost at or below $133 per year while real human insulin should cost at or below $72 per year.
    It shouldn’t be necessary for a government to cap the price of a common life-saving drug for the uninsured. No drug company should even consider asking 30+ times the manufacturing price for a drug that was patented a hundred years ago. No unconscionable greedy money wolf should be allowed to make so much money at the expense of the chronically ill, no matter whether they are insured or not. No government should have to regulate price gouging to save the lives of those who can’t afford simple medication used by millions around the world.

    TH: His proposed solutions were plain and simple. And they’re never going to be legislated as long as there are Republicans in Congress.

    Vox: Excellent viewing, but the ozone layer could be saved with a rather simple intervention: a ban on CFK’s. Sadly, Climate Change can’t be stopped, let alone reversed, by one simple change. I don’t think anyone can remember having to change their lifestyle for it; most can’t even remember the change at all. Climate Change is both far more complex with little willingness to make lifestyle changes. People rather deny it than own up.

    RMM: Funny but why is a podcast on YouTube? There’s nothing to view.

    Beau: he’s spot on again. It’s all about money and ratings, not news. Fearmongering and out of control speculation, that’s all that’s on offer.

    • There are a lot of things on YouTube with nothing to view – and a lot more with, say, nothing but a picture of the album cover when someone uploads nusic from one of their old vinyl. Lately most of Mike’s have been like this, but with lyrics only on a black background. I don’t know why he does it that way, but I’m grateful for the humor however it comes.

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