Nov 252021

Today is Thanksgiving. I am so thankful for all of you who come here, read, and comment. I can’t really express that in words. I hope you can get a glimmer of that.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

The New Yorker (Borowitz) – Fauci Urges Americans to Use COVID as Excuse to Skip Thanksgiving with Horrible Relatives
Quote – Speaking from his office at the National Institutes of Health, Fauci said that the covid-19 excuse could help prevent a seasonal surge in exasperation and seething rage associated with the Thanksgiving holiday. “covid-19 could get you off the hook this year,” Fauci said. “Consider this a doctor’s note from me.”
You can click through, but that pretty much covers it.

Crooks and Liars – FINALLY: Black Family Gets Imperfect, But Historic Justice
Quote – Merritt said of the police department on Friday: “We plan to root out injustice within that system. We plan to identify the specific policies that facilitate one of the deadliest police cultures in the modern world. Kansas City will remember the name Cameron Lamb because he will be known as the beginning of the end of the deadliest police culture in the modern world.”
Click through. Beau addressed this also (In Saturday’s video thread, and here ) I surely do hope they follow through on that police quote.

Daily Kos (Walter Einenkel) – 13-year-old boy uses his Make-A-Wish to feed homeless because Mississippi officials don’t
Quote – According to Olagbegi, his family has always done service for the community. Since he was a young child, the Olagbegis would serve meals to people in need every month. After Olagbegi was diagnosed, the family had to put some of that service on hold. Make-A-Wish Mississippi’s Linda Sermons told WLBT: “We were excited this is our first philanthropic wish in our 20+ years of the chapter in the state—a huge milestone for us, but also this is the first meal that Abraham is able to serve.” Make-A-Wish helped Abraham Olagbeli begin Abraham’s Table.
Click through if you wish. Einenkel is not shy to discuss how serious the need is for more. But I can’t imagine a chld of privilege coming up with this wish myself.

Food for Thought –


  9 Responses to “Open Thread for November 25, 2021”

  1. Cartoon: She ruled for 20 years, and allowed Russia to prosper in the arts and education/education.
    NYer: Sounds about right…Dr. Fauci and his words of wisdom re: family and friends. 
    C&L: Good to read that Justice prevailed through this for the grieving family…and the detective was suspended w/o pay, and convicted. 
    DK: On this Thanksgiving day, and all year long, I have much respect and gratitude for the young men/women, who care about helping people and their needs. Such a loving, kind and caring young man to act and follow through his wish. 
    FFT: 1863: President Lincoln issues a proclamation calling for the last Thursday of November to be set aside as a day of “Thanksgiving and Praise.” *

    TJI: “Happy Thanksgiving from me and mine, to you and yours.” ~ Dolly Parton ~ 
    2. “Happy Thanksgiving! It’s Turkey Time.!” ~ Jerry Seinfield ~ 
    3. “Happy Thanksgiving to our Neighbours south of the Border.” ~ Toronto Blue Jays ~ 

  2. You know JD, I know what it is like to do a daily OT having done them for several months a few years back when TC, bless him, was sick.  It is challenging, exhausting, but also rewarding.  Thank you for all you do to keep PP alive and kicking so well.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you all who celebrate Thanksgiving today.

    • Yes – I know you know – and you had to include a puzzle as well when you did it.  You describe it well.  Have a wonderful day (every day if you can) and cuddle the furbabies for me.

  3. 17  20  23 

    Colleen, Happy Thanksgiving and Thank you!
    and to all! 20

  4. I can only speak for myself, Joanne, but I think we all should be grateful for all the hard work you do to not only keep Politics alive but give it high quality of life as well.

    Cartoon: Powerful woman on many levels.

    TNY: Back to straight reporting, Andy?

    C&L: Justice in little steps, but justice nevertheless. Let’s see if Kansas City can live up to the quote.

    I hope you all had a good Thangsgiving.

  5. Cartoon: Amazing woman who also cared for the people.
    TNY: You tell them Dr. Fauci. 
    DK: Bless him for all that he did to help feed so many.
    Food for Thought: Nice of Abe to do that.
    Hope your Thanksgiving was pleasant, Joanne.
    I thank you for all you do for us here.
    Take care. Thanks Joanne

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