Nov 162021

Yesterday was another pretty quiet day. I’ll take all of those that I can get. Incidentally, as it is now a new week, maybe Nameless can get a tech out to look at his computer. I surely hope so. But it’s also the first workday after a holiday week, so it might not be today.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Crooks and Liars – The New Face Of The GOP?
Quote – So try to imagine what will happen if Rittenhouse is acquitted. Trump will issue a statement somehow taking credit for it. Fox News will fly Rittenhouse to New York for triumphant interviews. Social media will erupt with joy, as millions of conservatives cry “Suck it, libs!” He’ll appear on T-shirts and bumper stickers; maybe he’ll speak at the next Conservative Political Action Conference. And don’t be surprised if Trumpist candidates start seeking Rittenhouse’s endorsement and asking him to appear on the campaign trail with them.
Click through for more, including (paywalled) link to Washington Post. The only light I can see at the end of this tunnel is that George Zimmerman eventually got into enough non-political trouble to get dropped like a hot potato, and it’s probably safe to expect that to happen to Rittenhouse also (and maybe even his mother, God willing).

AP News – Workers at federal prisons are committing some of the crimes
Quote – More than 100 federal prison workers have been arrested, convicted or sentenced for crimes since the start of 2019, including a warden indicted for sexual abuse, an associate warden charged with murder, guards taking cash to smuggle drugs and weapons, and supervisors stealing property such as tires and tractors.
Click through for details. I’d file this under “No shit, Sherlock.” No prison is any better than its warden … and in 2019, the warden was Bill Barr (and before him, Jeff Sessions.) Not that that is an excuse, of course.

The 19th – The word missing from the vast majority of anti-trans legislation? Transgender
Quote – More anti-trans bills were introduced in state legislatures in 2021 than in any previous year on record. The 19th reviewed the text of 102 bills in seven states that were primarily designed to restrict access to sports or gender-affirming care for trans youth, like hormones and puberty blockers, and only seven bills mentioned the word “transgender.” Only eight passed, primarily those focused on sports, although legal battles in several states have barred most from going into effect.
Click through for story. Granted there are (probably) fewer transgendered people than just about any other minority group, there are certainly enough to account for a large (and disproportionate) number of suicide and murder victims. And no one is free until and unless we are all free.

Food for Thought –


  11 Responses to “Open Thread for November 16, 2021”

  1. Hope that your day goes well, I went to the donut shop to sweeten my day. LOL 
    Cartoon: Begins his expedition across Georgia by torching the industrial section of Atlanta and pulling away from his supply lines. *history
    C&L: I can’t fathom this kid being acquitted. But…unfortunately and sadly, he may. And! with his mother encouraging him and driving him over state lines. Justice should be served with regard to the memories of Mr. Rosenbaum and Mr. Huber. 
    AP: What in the sam tarnation is this?? Bad people working at the prisons? Good Grief! The higher ups within the DOJ and Federal BOPs need to clean house, and the wardens too. WoW! 
    FFT: Grrrrr…..! 

    This just in: “Ted Crus is just mad I am a better puppet than his is.” ~ Big Bird ~ 
    2. “Tolerance will reach such a level that intelligent people will be banned from thinking so as to not offend the imbeciles.” ~ Dostoyevsky~ 
    3. “I’m proud to be everything Fox hates.” ~ Shepard Smith ~ 
    4. “Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio begs the court to release him due to poor conditions in the jail.”
    ~ Call To Action ~
    5. “It’s official, Folks! I’ve signed the Bi-Partisan Infrastructure Deal into Law!” ~ President Joe Biden ~ 

    • p.s. Rittenhouse also shot a third young man…when he shot and killed Anthony Huber, 26, and Joseph Rosenbaum, 36. He also shot and injured Gaige Grosskreutz, now 27. 

    • TJI #1 –  There’s no doubt about that. They all are. Even Oscar.
      TJI #2 – “You remember how one of the Greek Dictators (they called them ‘tyrants’ then) sent an envoy to another Dictator to ask his advice about the principles of government. The second Dictator led the envoy into a field of corn, and there he snicked off with his cane the top of every stalk that rose an inch or so above the general level. The moral was plain. Allow no pre-eminence among your subjects. Let no man live who is wiser, or better, or more famous, or even handsomer than the mass. Cut them all down to a level; all slaves, all ciphers, all nobodies. All equals. Thus Tyrants could practise, in a sense, ‘democracy’. But now ‘democracy’ can do the same work without any other tyranny than her own. No one need now go through the field with a cane. The little stalks will now of themselves bite the tops off the big ones. The big ones are beginning to bite off their own in their desire to Be Like Stalks.” – C. S. Lewis, from The Screwtape Letters
      TJI #3 – I always did think he was a cut above the rest. Now that he can speak freely, it’s more than just “a cut.”
      TJI #4 – Sure. 
      TJI #5 –  

    • TJI#1: Yes Big Bird you are. I agree with Joanne’s comment.
      TJI#3: I like and agree with Shepard. 
      TJI#4: Poor baby, you should of thought about that on January 6th.
      TJI#5: Bravo President Biden. I thanks them all who voted for it. Now lets pass the current one too before your Thanksgiving break.

  2. Comment from Mitch – 

    Good luck, Nameless!’Toon: Much like a Sherman tank, eh?
    C&L: Yes, his mother, who transported this maggot across state lines with a gun.  If this worm is acquitted he might start auditioning for crying
    parts in Hollywood!
    AP:  No, no, no…there is no attempt to rehabilitate anyone.  The word “Penitentiary,” was coined by some naive, well meaning pastors, in the 18th century, I believe, who believed that criminals in penitentiaries, would have the time to reflect on their lives, and becoming  penitent, would clean up their acts.  Maybe that happens to some small percent of the inmates, but prison is for punishment, a supposed deterrent to criminal behavior. 
    19th: Like all the anti-LGBTQ passions, people have very little idea what the biology is, what harm is being done to these fellow humans, whose mere presence on the planet so terrifies them; makes them so easy to manipulate.  
    FFT: I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!
    Mitch D.

    • I have to comment on the word “deterrent.”  I don’t think it means what you think it means (Although most people would.)

      “Deterrence” in penology does not refer to deterring the guy who is being punished,  It means deterring other people.  The idea is that they will see his/her example and be deterred from doing what he/she did. Frankly, this is even less effective than the popular idea of what it means.

  3. C&L: Despicable what has been going on with this bas*ard’s trail. He had no business going there in the first place. Then killing two and injuring the third guy. I’ve been watching the updates on CNN. I’m disturbed that the judged allowed him to pick jurors number today. I’ve read an article that said the judge was acting more like a parent than a judge over this case. As for tRump taking credit if he’s acquitted which I pray he isn’t, wouldn’t surprise me, since we know tRump is a heartless scum who loves backing ones who perform illegal acts.
    AP: Over 100 prison workers and even a warden.. Wow. Glad that these workers have been caught. Hope that there’s way to get this situation taken care of and hopefully prevent it from ever happening again.
    19th: Wish states like especially Texas, would stop belittling or treating people just because they look, think or act differently, They deserve to live and enjoy life here. I have ones that live on my block. I see them every couple of days and we speak and show respect to one another. 
    Food for Thought: More republicans … no to that! 
    I too hope that Nameless can get his computer taken care of soon.
    Nice that you’ve been having peaceful days. Hope they continue that way.
    Take care. Thanks Joanne

  4. I’m glad to hear you had some quiet days; my past two sure weren’t. That’s the reason I couldn’t get to the site yesterday and are just browsing today between finishing my preparations for two separate meetings tonight and going there. Sorry, but it is what it is.

    C&L: I can’t bear to think that this little fascist is going to walk free and then turn in the new poster-boy of the GQP. But will I be surprised if that happens? Not really.

    APN: The Dutch have a saying that translates into something like: If you deal with tar you’ll end up contaminated by it. In this picture, it’s hard to see who is the tar and who the tar-ee.

    19th: Sneakiness and deceit, thy name is Republican.

    FFT: Yes, stunning, isn’t it?

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