Nov 042021

Glenn Kirschner – Recap of Legal Stories for October 2021: From Trump Crimes to Congress; From Garland to Bannon

The Lincoln Project – Anti-American

Dem Congressman Expertly Breaks Down How Progressive Policies Are Key to Competing With China in Fiery Speech

Liberal Redneck – Virginia Governor Fallout

Rocky Mountain Mike shares Richard Henzel reading “The Craven.”

Leroy Anderson – The Classical Jukebox (complete with skips and “broken record” repeats – remember?)

Beau – Let’s talk about 30% of Republicans, Trump, and the midterms…


  3 Responses to “Video Thread 11/4/21”

  1. From Trump Crimes to Congress; From Garland to Bannon

    I suppose like Glenn, I keep repeating my frustrations w/ AG Garland.  So this Comment by Livia Dix at the YouTube site succinctly summarizes my thoughts:

    I’m trying very hard to keep faith in Merrick Garland , I know he’s an honest, ethical human being, yet I’m not sure if he got what it takes at this time in history. I want to give him the benefit of the doubt, but I’m afraid. Trump, his cronies, and bands of insurrectionist HAVE TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE.

    It’s not because there’s hate in my heart, but because I I strongly believe it’s necessary if we want save our Democracy.


    Having only internet cable, I can gladly say I’ve never given a penny to Fox.

    tim ryan is fire. this is a must watch

    I LUVS me some Rep. Tim Ryan!  And it’s not his first time:

    “Heaven forbid we pass something that’s going to help the damn workers in the United States of America! Heaven forbid we tilt the balance that has been going in the wrong direction for 50 years!” Ryan shouted from a lectern on the House floor on Tuesday. “Now, stop talking about Dr. Seuss, and start working with us on behalf of the American workers.”

    “You guys chase the former Secretary of State all over the country, spent millions of dollars, we have people scaling the Capitol, hitting the Capitol Police with lead pipes across the head, and we can’t get bipartisanship!

    “What else has to happen in this country?”

    Ryan addressing republicans:


    Liberal Redneck – Virginia Governor Fallout

    Gotta love the logic of some folks:  “Since the Democrats aren’t getting anything done, we’re going to vote for the party that OBSTRUCTED EVERY EFFORT TO GET SOMETHING DONE!”

    “Classical Jukebox”

    They really are works of art.

    … 30% of Republicans, Trump, and the midterms….

    I have to admit, that 30% number of republicans who think violence might be necessary is awfully frightening!

  2. Comment from Mitch – 

    GK: “…miles to go.”LP: Murdoch needs his citizenship taken away!
    Tim Ryan: Can not access.
    LR: He knows whereof he speaks.
    Ravin’ for “The Craven!”
    CJ: FUN!
    Beau: “Agitators not associated with the president.”  No mas pantalones!  Lindsey’s reported quote will not be heard by the Republican base.  Who is
    going to tell them? Hannity?  “If the Republican Party were smart.”  They have some diabolical smarts, that’s it.  

  3. LP: Good advice to viewers. Murdoch is (slightly) changing his tune because Aussies are fed up with the lies and walking away from his networks. It can be done.

    AP: I may not entirely agree on China with him, but Tim Ryan is an inspiring speaker who should be heard more often. And not only heard, of course, but listened to, because he makes sense.

    LR: Luv ya right back, Trae. You’re now expressing the same views I expressed before the 2016 and the 2020 elections. Get some young and inspiring progressive to have Democratic voters fall over themselves to vote.

    RMM: Manchin should be forced to listen to this. Steal my country NEVERMORE.

    Beau: With 30% of the Trumpkins wanting to use their guns on whoever crosses their path the wrong way, I think “we need to keep an eye on that” no longer cuts the cake. This could go completely out of hand if the same agitators are allowed to replay the game they’ve perfected in the meantime. Where TF are you, Garland?

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