Aug 292021

Glenn Kirschner appears to have taken a day off.  He’s entitled.

Don Winslow Films – #TrumpHasAmnesia

Armageddon Update – CoViD-19

Really American – Republicans Terrified of Jen Psaki And Strong Women

Ring of Fire – Even Republicans Are Starting To Realize Arizona’s Ballot Audit Is A Scam

NewsNation Now – RFK-assassin Sirhan Sirhan granted parole (still needs to be approved by full board and governor). Will follow up on this in the Open Thread.

Liberal Redneck – “Spoiled” Little Poor Kids

Beau – Let’s talk about Kennedy, Malcom Nance, and criticism….


  4 Responses to “Video Thread 8/29/2021”

  1. #TrumpHasAmnesia

    I would insert the word “SELECTIVE” between “Has” and “Amnesia”

    Republicans Terrified of Jen Psaki And Strong Women

    Peter Doocy of Fox “news” has his own T-shirt:

    Even Republicans Are Starting To Realize Arizona’s Ballot Audit Is A Scam

    Boy, they are slowww learners.

    “Spoiled” Little Poor Kids

    But I’m sure their decision to let children go hungry was guided by their strong “christian” convictions.


    [No CC]

  2. Sirhan was originally sentenced to death. His sentence was overturned when California outlawed the death penalty (like Manson). The Kennedy family thinks the investigation should be reopened. They believe there was more than one shooter. This guy should stay in jail. 

    • Thanks, Jerry.  I agree.  That rash of successful assassinations in the sixties – there are a lot of theories and they can’t all be right, but damn, it bears looking at.  Bobby’s death in particular was a big reason we got stuck with Reagan.

      And the only good reason I can think of for letting him out is to see if he gets subsidized and find out by whom.  But that could not bemade public, or he’d be thrown under the bus … assuming there were an actual bus.

  3. DW: TFG has spewed so many lies which we wanted to forget as soon as possible that we also forgot why he spewed them. And while we may have forgotten those lies, his base hasn’t. To them, TFG eradicated ISIS and   Sleepy Joe with his bad management of the withdrawal has caused its rebirth as ISIS-K. No Don Winslow film, no matter how good, can set that straight.

    AU: Titus is too loud and some of his jokes aren’t very funny, but he is spot on. He describes America’s madness to a T with: “Anti-vaxxers who wouldn’t get vaccinated because the FDA hadn’t approved them are now using a horse de-worm medication because the FDA hasn’t approved it.” Makes perfect sense, doesn’t it?

    RA: A very nice tribute to Jen Psaki.

    NNN: If the Kennedy family doesn’t oppose Sirhan Sirhan’s release, let him go. He served 53 years, for goodness sake. Perhaps the truth/the reason behind the shooting will finally come out.

    LR: Wow, that came straight from the heart, didn’t it?

    Beau: Good arguments in defence of this administration’s pull-out, finishing a messed-up job started by others.

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