Aug 292021

Yesterday, I listened to the opera on the radio. WFMT Chicago fills in the weeks when the NY Met is dark. They collect recordings of performances all over the world. Today it was Wagner’s “Parsifal,” in German, recorded in Toulouse, France. Wagner was a sexist along with his other failings, like being anti-Semitic and a grifter. But the music is lovely (I swear, though, if I hear one more time someone spout that “Music is ennobling,” I think I may scream.) I also put my meds together for the next two weeks, morning and night both. I can see Virgil again on Friday September 3, so I won’t want to be dealing with pills that weekend.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Dem Underground – New CDC: Anatomy of a school superspreader event
Quote – Unvaxed Marin County, Calif. elementary school teacher continues to work for 2 days with symptoms, reading out loud to class unmasked (contra school policy). 50% of class gets covid — with risk highest in front rows near teacher.

Click through for more links to more evidence. Insanity is everywhere. Sigh.

Crooks and Liars – AR Jail Treating COVID Inmates With Horse Dewormer Ivermectin
Quote – The Daily Beast also reported that [the jail’s head doctor, Robert] Karas has cited a discredited study to support his use of ivermectin. When Schnekloth exposed the doctor on Facebook, he pushed back, saying “I got experience and don’t really need more studies.”
Click through for story, and through again to Daily Beast if you like. Can you imagine what TC would have said about this! “Crooks and Liars” is going to have to change its name to “Crooks, Liars, and Maniacs” if there’s much more of this.

The Hill – Five things to know about ISIS-K
Here are the five, phrased as questions – 1. What does ISIS-K stand for?
2. Who are its enemies?
3. Where did it come from?
4. Where is it located?
5. What attacks has it claimed?
Click through for the answers.

Food for Thought –


  9 Responses to “Open Thread for August 29, 2021”

  1. Sounds like you got your ducks all lined up in a row!

    New CDC: Anatomy of a school superspreader event

    Unvaccinated & unmasked is no way to go through life!

    (Given the demographics of Marin County, CA – seems odd to have someone like that as an educator.)

    AR Jail Treating COVID Inmates With Horse Dewormer Ivermectin

    At least this “doctor” is being investigated by the medical board.

    Five things to know about ISIS-K

    Always good to know your enemies.

    • It’s easier toget ducks (or meds) in a row than to herd cats .

      I had the same reaction about Matrin County – but someone whohas been there far more recently than I have pointed out that it is an place wheer one finds many strange contradictions – and that I can believe.  Sausalito is there, for instance.

  2. Also, this is where Pat B is today (not acting in it, just seeing it – with family – and enjoying their company and shared food.)

  3. Demo Unlimited: What the heck is wrong with them? Not wearing masks and not being vaccinated. Crazy fools.
    Crooks and Liars: This doctor needs to be prosecuted for putting all of these people’s life in jeopardy. Hopefully he will be stripped of his medical license. 
    The Hill: Scary. Really sad to read of about these terrorists. Hope the U.S. can make get all of our military and Afghans out without any more dying.
    Food for Thought: Shameful fools. Awful that we have so many people who are still anti masks and getting the vaccines. Shows us that they rather risk their life than to live.
    Happy to hear that you were able to enjoy listening to the Opera. Plus glad you got your meds taken care of for the next couple of weeks, so you’ll be able to go and visit Virgil on Friday.
    Take care. Thanks Joanne

  4. Thanks Joanne.  Marin also did more research type studies with a 100% testing opportunity last year early in Covid.Recent news included a court ruling against the Governor in FL finding it unconstitutional for him to interfere in school districts’ authority to mandate masks and against the Governor in TX in a case involving 18 school districts with same conflict, yet legal issues differ from FL due to the differences in constitutions and other laws.

  5. Good to hear you enjoyed your opera, Joanne.

    Cartoon: A record to be proud of (snark).

    DU: There may be a lot wrong with how our governments handle Covid, but the tracing has been excellent. They should trace this school outbreak for which the schoolteacher is responsible further down the line to the parents, grandparents, friends and neighbours like they do in genealogy and make this teacher take note of what she’s responsible for. I hope for her that nobody ended up in a hospital or worse.

    C&L: Not only should this man who calls himself a doctor be thrown out of the profession immediately but inmates lawyers and C&L should stay on top of it and sue him and AR Jail when the neurotoxin leaves them with irreparable damage.

    TH: ISIS is branching out, apparently. And don’t forget that the Taliban isn’t one big happy family either. It is made up of many cans with their warlords feuding for centuries.

    FFT: Perhaps the strong feelings and opinions of anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers should be taken more seriously and intubation pipes shouldn’t be shoved down their throats either.

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