Aug 232021

Glenn Kirschner – A Colorado Election Official, A Security Breach, An FBI Investigation & My Pillow Guy’s Safe House. Oh, sure, it’s funny to Glenn – it’s not his state.

Meidas Touch – DeSantis ad

Don Winslow – My Letter to Republicans

The Lincoln Project – DeSantis Lies

Really American – Vaccine Conspiracy Theories Making Variants Worse

Armageddon Update: FUBARistan

Kitten Abandoned at Playground Rescued by Sweetest Guy

Beau – Let’s talk about the Saigon analogy….


  4 Responses to “Video Thread 8/23/2021”

  1. … An FBI Investigation & My Pillow Guy’s Safe House

    What really dumbfounds me is how did someone as STUPID & IDIOTIC as Lindell make his money?

    I guess PT Barnum (or whoever) was right: There IS a sucker born every minute.

    Death Sentence DeSantis

    Like TFG, DeathSantis only care about being in power.

    Frighteningly (although not saying that much) he’s smarter than Donnie.


    Good lord, the Trumpkins BOOED “Dear Leader” when he recommended getting vaccinated.

    That kind of schizophrenic craziness is DAMN hard to combat.


    If a physician ever recommended what the GQP recommends day-in-and-day-out WRT COVID, they’d be sued for negligence and malpractice … and DESERVE IT!

    Kitten Abandoned at Playground Rescued by Sweetest Guy


    I think I, too, am a crazy cat man.  I just wish I didn’t have such a crazy cat.

    … the Saigon analogy …

    Sad but true: The GQP has mastered “Bumper Sticker Slogans”.

    Cute, pithy, memorable and rarely accurate.

    • I was actually shocked that they booed their god/king/emperor (I briefly thought about referring to him as “orange Ganesh,” but the actual Ganesh doesn’t deserve that.) I’m still grappling with the implications of it.

  2. JM: Too strange for fiction. If it were a movie script, they’d throw it out because it’s too far fetched. Yet it happens and everyone just stands there and shakes their head. No one is called to face responsibility these days.

    MT: MT doesn’t sugar-coat its messages and I do hope that they shock one or two people out of their stupor.

    DW: Hard-core Trumpkins only hear what they want to hear so when TFG mentions vaccinations they only hear the word and in a reflex conclude that he’s saying something against it – as he’s done before – and start booing it as they’ve done before. This ad is not going to work.

    LP: America is in need of a court for crimes against humanity. Its poor employees would have to work 24/7 to get through the list of indictments though.

    RA: The selfishness of anti-vaxxers is bottomless; the silence of their GQP leaders is criminal.

    AU: We all should be so upset as both Tituses were; there was no reason to go there, there was no reason to stay there and there certainly was no reason to outstay an invitation that was never sent after it had become clear that the hosts didn’t want their ways forcibly changed.

    Dodo: Besides having a soft spot for cats, I have one for crazy cat men.

    Beau: I tip my hat to you, Beau. This is one of the few times I heard an American honestly admit to this. Defeat, whether military or political, is something neo-colonial America will never own up to. Not until it realises it should stop starting wars or interfering with local strife to make a nation just another bit of territory for America to control will it become a true leader. The time of empire building by oppression is over; it’s time to lead by example now.

    • I certainly hope you are right about the booing.  I (and many others) were so shicked by them booing him we were worried they were fastening so had on the message that they’d abandon the man – and that would be a dire omen.  But your interpretation is quite possible, even probable.  “Respiro”, as Don Ottavio says in “Don Giovanni.  “I breathe again.”

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