Aug 202021

Sorry, but this will have to be a very short one – just got too many balls in the air at this time.

But I did find the absolutely perfect restaurant for all those Anti-Maskers & Anti-Vaxxers who want to assert their “Freedumbs” when dining out – the Freedom Café.

The owner explains:


  6 Responses to “Friday Fun: The Perfect “Freedumb Restaurant” for the Anti-Mask & Vax Crowd”

  1. There are SOOOOOO many ways to mock the anti-mask anti-vax crowd. There are so many analogies one can use to tear apart their sophistry.

    No Headlights

  2. Oh, yes, indeed.  This is chock full of humor (some a bit dark, but hey, dark humor is humor too.)

    Thank you so much. I won’t be going to any reataurants anywhere for a while myself..

  3. This letter to the editor (?) is awesome and should go viral.

    Thanks for posting it, Nameless, in between your busy schedule at the moment.

    I hope the fridge still works.

  4. ‘Freedom Not to Wear a Mask’. Yep!! 
    Excellent piece, imho. 

    Thanks! Nameless. 

  5. Wow, great letter.
    Who would of ever thought that we’d face a crisis like our country currently is regarding people who simply don’t seem to give a damn about their health? All because they refuse to do two simple things; wear a mask and to get vaccinated.
    I like Joanne will avoid eating at any restaurants.
    Thanks Nameless

  6. Given that I just got a jury duty notice for court in a historic building that’s policies are limited to July 1 regulations (ignores recommendations) so no social distancing and only masks for unvaccinated (but no checking) in a building with ghastly air flow and no windows that open as county’s data shows worse Delta surge than the statewide (all at what metrics call the worst categories)…appreciate the dark humor Nameless, yet finding it hard to smile…when shopping, etc. the clerks are about the only masks around here

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