Jul 072021

I have a technician appointment for tomorrow for the phone. The computer seems to stay connected better when it is not quite as hot. News from Carrie’s appointment yesterday: “Both growths removed and sent off to lab. They are probably benign, but a little concern about one that was changing.”

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Oxfam Denounces OECD Global Tax Deal as ‘Skewed-to-the-Rich and Completely Unfair’
Quote – While some tax equity campaigners applauded the agreement as a good start, Oxfam International executive director Gabriela Bucher slammed the deal as “no more than a G7 money grab,” referring to the seven wealthy nations that have helped spearhead the talks.
Click through for story.  to Mitch.

Crooks and Liars – Biden Quickly Nominates Diverse Slate Of Federal Judges
Quote – Thus far, Biden has tapped 32 judicial nominees, maintaining a rapid pace for both nominations and confirmations that is putting even what Sen. Mitch McConnell did on behalf of the Federalist Society and Donald Trump to shame. “That number is notable for its historical context: It puts Biden on the fastest pace for judicial confirmations in a first presidential term in more than 50 years. The last president to have seven confirmations by this point was Richard Nixon in 1969, according to a White House official,” CNN reports
Click through for details. Yes, it isn’t the Supreme Court. But it is a pool from which future justice will be drawn.and it’s a sign of a good attitude toward the Judicial Branch.

Wonkette – GOP Rep Pretty Sure Soldiers Can Just Quit Over Vaccine Requirements
Quote – There’s a wee bit of a problem with all of that though — as many people were happy to point out to Massie on Twitter, you can’t just “quit” the military, because when you sign up to join the military, you sign a contract and you are required, by actual law, to serve out your time unless otherwise dismissed by the Department of Defense. If you “quit,” that is called “going AWOL” or “desertion” and could result in “dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and a one-year confinement.”
Click through for more of Wonkette’s inimitable style. Beau also has something to say on this topic in the video thread.

Food for Thought


  11 Responses to “Open Thread for July 7, 2021”

  1. Good for Carrie’s results coming back, and praying that all is benign. Glad a tech is coming over to check your phone out. 

    Cartoon: A fair and just punishment. 
    CD: Heed the warning(s) of what Ms. Bucher said. Not good, imho. 
    C&L: WOW! Great news! 
    Wonkette: Just so one knows…When a person signs on the dotted line for enlistment, (officer or enlisted), you don’t have the option afterwards, to say ‘No’ or I want to sleep in, or say ‘I don’t feel like it’. In boot camp, one does not nix/nay anything a Sergeant or Chief, or Petty Officer (Navy) mumbles, mutters, or shouts to you in your ear, or to your squad, or company. One does NOT have an option to pick and choose or not do of what is required, a task or class, and certainly to NOT talk back or utter the words, .. ‘I disagree with what you’re saying, or I’m not taking those shots….which is mandatory, btw. Shudder the thought. Maybe Massie should do a couple weeks in boot camp and learn something before running his mouth. Just sayin’.   
    FFT: Yep. 
    This just in: “I can’t imagine having enough money to end hunger in the U.S. and deciding what I wanted to do was play space tourist. I just can’t.” ~ Annie Gabston~ 
    2. Majorie T. Greene: “Bat Sh-t. Kevin McCarthy: Chicken Sh-t. Ted Cruz: Bull Sh-t.  TOT: Deep Sh-t.”
    ~ James C. ~
     3. “Gee, Wally – If most Republican believe in Antifa, BLM, and violent left wing activists stormed the Capitol building on January 6th, then why do they oppose a commission to investigate it?”~Theodore ‘Beaver’ Cleaver~
     4. Q of the Day – “What do you call it when a bunch of losers line up to listen to a big loser whine for hours about losing? Answer: LoserPalooza !  ~ Cheryl U.
    5. “Boy Scouts reach an $850 Million settlement with tens ofthousands of sexual abuse claims.~The Last Word~ 

    • Yeah, that’s what Wonkette was saying, except they were laughing so hard it maynot have been as clear as it could have been.

      TJI #1 – I can imagine it – but it’s painful enough that I’d rather not.
      TJI #2 – I’m sure we could find someone to personify Horse Sh*t (maybe too many, actually.)
      TJI #3 – To paraphrase Tom Lehrer, “It’s so simple – so very simple – that only a child can see it!”
      TJI #5 – Something most of us consider unthinkable is actually hard wired … at least to some degree. Perhaps we should stop denying that because we find it so distasteful. What we are doing now isn’t working.

    • TJI #1: Nobody with a heart can.

      TJI #2:I like this sh-t conjunction.

  2. Hoping for good news on Carrie’s situation, and yours.
    ‘Toon: Consequences, good.  Not necessarily the death penalty, today, though.
    Oxfam: Just earlier today, listening to a podcast, the historian speaking responded to a question about conspiracies, by saying that some conspiracies are so broad, not her words, exactly, that they are simply taken as “what is,” and one of them, she pointed out, is Capitalism, a conspiracy of the oligarchs, embedded in our culture.  And, here we have a perfect example of same.
    C&L: I’ll take it; bodes well.
    Wonkette: Typical.
    FFT: If it fits their agenda, they care about nothing else.

  3. TJI#1: WhaT I said the other day; space junket for fun, or serious philanthropy.  I think it was Branson, who was so proud some years ago, to show off the many multimillion yacht he’d bought, but if not him some other mindless billionaire, who could, instead have helped make a real difference for other people.
    TJI#2: The last one is the most important, now.
    TJI#3: Yeah, how about that? 
    TJI#4: Yup.
    TJI#5: So friggin’ sad.

  4. Glad to see Pres. Biden is at least not wasting anytime in trying to correct the damage Donnie did to our Judiciary.
    I’m just going to c/p my thoughts on Rep. Massie (QAnon-KY) WRT his idiotic H.R. 3860:

    First and foremost, Tom Massie is an IDIOT!  He’s one of the QAnon reps who voted AGAINST awarding Capitol Police Force medals for their bravery on 1/6/21
    Second, you can’t just “quit” the military.  Well, unless you’re willing to go AWOL.
    Third, if you’re NOT willing to do what is necessary to help keep your brothers- and sisters-in-arms safe from a potentially deadly infectious disease – you don’t belong in uniform.
    Fourth, “99.5 percent of coronavirus deaths in the past six months were in unvaccinated people.”
    So, Massie – think of it as a Viral IQ Test.  (Which explains why your IQ doesn’t even reach room temperature.)

    • Room temperature “in the middle of the great hall of a French chateau in winter” is the standard for red wine.  I only bring it up because some room temperatures, particularly in the Pacific Northwest, right now, are solidly average or better.

  5. Cartoon: Got what they deserved.
    C&L: Great news.
    Wonkette: After reading what Pat wrote about when they signed up, they give up their rights. So saying “No” to the vaccine, out you go. 
    Food for Thought: Confusing with All these rules. 
    Sorry to hear about your Internet. Hopefully the technician you have coming tomorrow can find and correct the issue.
    Glad to hear that Carrie got those growths removed. Will continue praying that they both are benign.
    I seen my surgeon yesterday. She was telling me that she found old broken off bone in the area where she operated. Could of been there from the previous operation I had 4 years ago. Plus did some repair of the tendons/muscles around the elbow. Said that it will take up to 4-6 months to get back to feeling normal. I was so tired out after the visit, that I just wasn’t up to going online. I had P.T. today and my arm is sore from the hour session. I go back on Friday. He game me exercises to continue doing at home. 
    Take care. Good luck tomorrow with the technician. 
    Thanks Joanne

    • Yeah, PT – or just execrise – after surgery is a pain in the – body part involved.  But it does help with a quick and lasting recovery.When my endometrioma was taken out, I started walikg around the ward as soon as I could stand – tal=king the IV pole with me.  I got up to over a half dozen times a day in thefive days I was there.  And within a month I impressd the heck out of a colleague who had had similar surgery – she couldn’t believe I was standing that straight that fast.  She had been hinched over for at least twice that long after hers, she said.  She had excellent posture.  I told her it was probably that my abs were so flabby they could just shove them out of the way instead of cutting them, but secretly I knew I had been smart to do all that walking – which really wasn’t even that much in the bigger scheme of things, but apparently was what I needed at the time.

  6. It seems the heat is interfering with a lot of things. Doesn’t bode well for the future, does it?

    Hi Carrie, I hope the sites cleared of your growths heal well and the results come back negative.

    Cartoon: I can’t condone capital punishment no matter what moment in history it is.

    Oxfam: Of course it is a money grab by the G7, but most will shrug their shoulders, thinking the large corporations now finally will start to pay their fair share. No, they won’t and what little they pay will disappear into the pockets of the rich countries. The poor countries can only look on.

    C&L: Biden has a lot of repair work to do if he wants to put a dent in the amount of damage the former guy has done and is still doing.

    Wonkette: Is there no end to Republican stupidity. I like to know as little as possible about anything military but even I know you can’t sign up for the army and then quit whenever you feel like it. That wouldn’t work well in wartime, would it?

    FFT: Really, there are schools that prohibit bringing in sandwiches with peanut butter? In case some other kid goes into anaphylactic shock when they take a bite out of it, I assume. Nuts.

    • The main thing that struck me was that it happened so fast – Too fast IMO.  The jury had recommended clemency in the case of Mary Surratt, but Andrew Johnson claimed he never received that document  (Her son had been acquitted.)  Then there was Harvey Mudd, the doctor who set Booth’s broken leg, who was not hanged but was sent to Devil’s Island.  Possibly going more deliberately might not have helped in his case – the nation was really angry – but cooler heads might have been better able to analyze that situation.  Booth, incidentally, was not hanged – he was already dead, having been killed in a shootout before April ended (some things don’t seem to change.)

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