Jun 252021

This week we had a wonderful opportunity to watch Matt Gaetz violate Molly Ivins “The First Rule of Holes”

“When You’re in One – Stop Digging”


It began on Wednesday when the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley, appeared before the House Armed Services Committee and was questioned by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) using unsubstantiated claims (BTW – when do Rethuglicans EVER provide proof of their claims?) concerning Critical Race Theory and the military being “Woke” – the “Culture Wars Topics du Jour” for the GQP.

Gen. Milley was having none it – and soundly schools Gaetz, making him shake his head:



Totally oblivious to the fact that Gen. Milley made him look like an idiot, Gaetz tried to recover the next day with this insulting Tweet:

(With Generals like this it’s no wonder we’ve fought considerably more wars than we’ve won.)

Clearly Gaetz is NOT familiar with Molly Ivins’ “The First Rule of Holes”.

[SIDEBAR: Realizing it’s hard to keep up with all the shenanigans of Gaetz, and since some of the Comments require a bit of background knowledge, I’ll just quickly note that Gaetz used his Venmo account to pay Joel Greenberg $900 to procure underage girls for sex … with both of them.]


So let’s enjoy how the Twitterverse took Gaetz to task.  And for the sake of saving some space, I’ll just provide the comment followed by a link to it, rather than embedding the whole thing.

Hey, @mattgaetz, see those stripes on Gen Milley’s right sleeve? Each one represents 6 months in combat. Sec. Def. Austin has more, but they aren’t on his suit. You really want to do this?


Yeah, but …

Each stripe on Matt Gaetz’s shirts represents 6 Venmo transactions.


(I’ve Combined a couple very similar ones together)

WE’VE fought”???!??!

Sorry, didn’t realize that committing sexual assault on minors and then paying them off was a “war”.  Sure, Venmo privacy settings can be a bit tricky – but I wouldn’t call it a “war”.



Fought more wars than we won? Seriously?

MATT, your “country”, the Confederacy, fought exactly one war … and you LOST.

Oh, Wait … you are counting the American Civil War as a loss for your side, aren’t you?



Thank you for your service Matt.  BTW, what was your role in the military? Child procurement specialist? Or Disinformation Specialist First Class?


I guess you can now officially strike “Support the military” from your fake platform


But if really want to honor the military, please have a seat and sign on the dotted line …

So the guy who’s spent years getting his Daddy to make his DUIs disappear and paying child sex traffickers to get laid now has some thoughts about how to run the military.


Matt, the Dude embarrassed you. LOL Which is kinda hard to do at this point seeing as how you’re being investigated for f\/cking teenagers


Says the only congressman to vote against child sex trafficking laws.


And remember: With congressmen like you, it’s no wonder teenage girls need to remain vigilant for pedophile predators.

For guys who hate education, Jim Jordan and Matt Gaetz sure do spend a lot of time getting schooled.


So it looks like Matt Gaetz is EVERYTHING republicans were hoping Hunter Biden would be.

Besides Molly Ivins’ “The First Rule of Holes” lesson, one would hope the Florida Guy  also learned:

“Never bring a Matt Gaetz to a Gen. Milley fight.”


  8 Responses to “Friday Fun: Matt Gaetz Violates “The First Rule of Holes””

  1. Thank you, Nameless.  A beautiful and amusing job of covering this.  

    Beau remarked that he has known a lot of “Special people – Special Forces, Special Ops” and the like, and that they are an incredibly diverse crowd.  But there is one thing you will never hear any of them say – and that is, “Don’t learn that.”  The unanimity of them not saying that is deafening.

    Much kudos to Chrissy Houlahan (D-PA-6), herself an Air Force veteran with numerous notable accomplishments under her belt, for making General Milley’s statement possible.

  2. Wanna-be man, aka: Spoiled Baby-Thing, is doing a good job of filling in the idiocy void that TOT left behind.

  3. Looks like all the links just lead to the first Tweet.  Sorry – not sure how to correct this.

    It’s happened at least once before for me where I provide a Twitter link to a specific Tweet – and yet it only goes to the lead one.

    I suspect it might be because I ONLY post the link, and not embed the Tweet itself.

    If someone knows a resolution or workaround WRT posting only Links – but they will still go DIRECTLY to the Tweet – I’d appreciate learning it.

    • Each link does start with the original tweet- but each shows the response you are featuring as the first response.  I’m not sure you can get closer than that.  I would think the only way would be to go tothe individual account of each person whose response you are quoting, and scroll down till you find the response in the responder’s feed  That could take a whole lot of scrolling.  I looked at just one responder’s account, that of @IMontoyaResists.  First I noted that at the link where the response is up there right after the Tweet, the reponse is datae Jun 23.  When I looked at “Inigo”‘s feed,  I scrolled a bit, but didn’t get past 5 hous ago.  The “Find” command might cut that down some of course.

      Oh, wait, I accidentally found it. click on the text in the response and use that URL.

  4. Excellent post, great read.
    I miss Molly…loved her and her columns. Wonderful and so talented. And..her humor. So sweet.
    The likeness between Jim Jordan and Matt Gaetz with the Bevis and ButtHead pictures is uncanny! lol  

    p.s. Gaetz wouldn’t/couldn’t even make the first week of boot camp to get an sense of self and unity as he’s privileged. imho. His disrespect to General Milley is sickening and atrocious. What an as-. “Write him up.”

  5. Yes, Friday fun. “Well done, Gen. Milley,” I and the cat goddesses salute you, sir. Thank you for showing up a mouthy over-aged frat boy who wouldn’t make it thru 1 day of military training,I bet. Everyone take care.

  6. The General did prove his worth indeed Nameless–thank you for sharing the best of the Twitterverse (still have an article on it open I hadn’t gotten to yet).

  7. I’m late getting to this article, so forgive me for my late thank-you for getting all this together on one most excellent page, Nameless. It deserves to be bookmarked, not only for putting Gaetz in his place but for having me change my opinion of generals by way of Gen. Milley given the time to speak his mind. Kudos to Ms Houlahan too for giving up her time to let Milley speak.

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