Jun 222021

Glenn Kirschner – WAPO: Weisselberg & Trump Frequenting Trump Tower-DA Vance’s Next Move May be Indicting Weisselberg

Represent Us – Now that Crooks and Liars have pointed out Republicans are throwing fits, I need to share what the fits are about. Rachel has also responded.

Titus (with Bradley) Satire “Press Conference vs. Press Conference” – Well, I laughed out loud (more than once)

Corey Ryan Forrester – “COVIS” vaccine – too subtle for Republicans?

Rocky Mountain Mike – Life With Barack (Right Wing Radio Told Me)

Beau – Let’s talk about Portland cops resigning and what to do…. None of this would have surprised TomCat – unless it were the unanimity of Mayor, Judge, and Prosecutor, which would have pleased him.


  6 Responses to “Video Thread 6/22/21”

  1. GK: Looking forward, indeed, but not holding my breath.  Is this the time to take bets on just how stupid Weisselberg is?
    Us: My senators?  My senators?  Those 2 total bozos?  there is no way Rubio and buddy will vote to pass this!  My brain even refuses to recall buddy’s name!
    Back later.

  2. Titus: What can I say?  Would “Briliant,” do the trick?
    CRF: Short, and SWEET!
    RMM: Swinging and sweet.
    Beau: There is that old stand-by about “if it looks like (poo), smells like (poo) and tastes like (poo), it must be (poo).  So, if the mayor, a judge, and a prosecutor say your behavior stinks…maybe it does.    Bye, now.

  3. The only one I’ve watched so far is “Press Conferences” and LOL! Its great! Thanks, JD. You rock. Also, MEEOOWW!

  4. Weisselberg & Trump Frequenting Trump Tower

    This is more than just a LITTLE mind-boggling.

    This seems to raise two questions:

    [1] WHAT does Weisselberg see in Trump?

    [2] WHAT does Trump have hanging over Weisselberg’s neck?

    Press Conference vs. Press Conference

    4 y/o (at best) vs. Adult

    Let’s talk about Portland cops resigning and what to do

    I think there’s always a “He Said v She Said” aspect.

    I’m willing to admit police have a very tough job – on that there is no doubt.

    But that does NOT give them license to abuse and kill innocent people.  

    (I’m sure Rethuglicans are vigorously nodding their heads to my first stipulation.

    (I’ll wait while any Rethuglican is willing to agree to the second.

    (Waiting.  Still Waiting …)

  5. JM: I hope Kirschner is right but I’m already starting to look a little blue around the gills, holding my breath on all the other cases.

    RU: Good ad.

    T&B: I can live with Mitch’s “brilliant”.

    CRF: I’m in the same ditch Mitch is.

    Beau: Beau also had his stand-up comedian moment: “What do we do? Send them a going-away fruit basket.” Ten points for the gentleman with the bad-apple T-shirt, you’ve nailed it.

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