Jun 012021

So here is the plan – OK, not really, it’s juat a proposal. I welcome feedback both positive and negative. I will put up an Open Thread daily. It won’t be posted between 2 and 5 am as TomCat’s were, but I can always use the scheduling tool to put ot up at, say, 7:00 am Pacific (8 Mountain, 9 Central, 10 Eastern, not sure about Oz) and be consistent about it.
– I am thinking it’s maybe time to scrap the puzzle.
– I can include a cartoon every day – at least at first, they mostly will not be mine; but I do have the frame saved and can start making some as subjects arise. Besides, most of TC’s bear repeating.
– I should be able to come up with 2 or 3 short takes daily, even as competent and no-nonsense as President Biden is. there are others who are not.
– If anything in my personal life affects when or how much I will be able to post, I will, of course, tell you. Otherwise, not so much.
– There is no way that I know enough about 60’s and 70’s pop music to come up with blasts from the past daily. Is anyone else interested in that?


Short Takes

Twitter – A thread from Michael Harriot, concerning the Greenwood Massacre, AKA the Tulsa Race Riot. It’s posted in a Thread Reader so that it makes a coherent article. It tells the true story of that Massacre of 1921, a hundred years ago.  It’s not what you’re thinking.  I thought I knew something about it, but I certainy didn’t know all this.

The Hill – 9 Senate seats most likely to flip in 2022 This is scary because the list includes both ways.

PolitiZoom – Mike Flynn Telegraphs How He Intends To Sabotage Future Elections With His Movie ‘The Deep Rig’. I consider this important enough to feature it both here and in the Video Thread (his tweet).  PolitiZoom was started and is operated by Ursula Faw, who used to write at Daily Kos.  A few others who used to write there now (also) write here – all are people I trust to fact check.


  12 Responses to “Open Thread for June 1, 2021”

  1. Sounds fine to me, JD. I was never big on doing the puzzle, but whatever others think is OK.Maybe  one sometimes—-special days or faves? Hoping to hear from WWWendy re: anything we can do to help, how she is coping, etc. Take care.

  2. Thanks.
    I am good without the puzzle, never got into even trying it.
    If there is a folder of TC’s saved cartoons, that ought to work, after all the years that he put them out.
    ‘Toon: If Khan was not Asian, the GOP would put out posters of TOT looking like him, with a knife between his teeth; idiocy, like the Rambo TOT!
    Short Takes:
    At the end of the Tulsa article, it is commented that a rape started the “riot” which is, apparently, inaccurate.  I knew about the “riot,” and had a sense that it was not a simple spontaneous attack, but did not know any specifics about the planning…by the police.
    The Hill: Interesting.  There is an ad, by the RNCC, at the bottom of the piece, claiming that “Trump is Back” aimed at Florida Republicans, asking them to donate to his next campaign.  This scumbag needs to be indicted, and put away for the rest of his idiotic life!
    I can not open the PolitiZoom piece, will look for it elsewhere.  But, he needs to be indicted as well.  

  3. There is a book called “The Deep Rig,” purporting to explain how the election was stolen from TOT, by a Patrick Byrne.  That may be the basis for Flynn’s movie, but that’s just a guess.  
    PolitiZoom is, apparently, having trouble with its site.

    • That’s probably it – and sadly that have been having site problems.

      UPDATE – I just got an email which says “If you received this, mit means that the system is working again.” Will forward.

  4. Cartoon: Pretty much. Yep! 
    Will read the ‘Short Takes’ later on…
    There is a documentary out about the Tulsa Riots. What a sad, horrible story. 18 hours of violence and hatred and destruction to the people living in the Greenwood District, or known as Black Wall Street.

    Thank you, Joanne for posting, and taking the helm, and also…for any incoming news re: WWWendy. Hope and pray that she is doing all right…Prayers for her too. 

     TJI: “The votes against the January 6th commission are admissions of guilt. Only guilty persons hide from the Truth.” ~ Ilhan Omar ~ 
    2. “My message is quite simple. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You. Not Thank You for your service, just Thank You for who you are. Because it’s contagious. Thank you for choosing selfless service to your Country.”
    ~ President Joe Biden ~ 
    3. “Women belong in all places where discussions are being made.” ~ Ruth Bader Ginsberg ~ 

    • You can say that again!

      TJI #1 – Congresswoman Omar knows truth when she sees it. I wish I could say the same for Republicans, but…
      TJI #2 – Leave it to President Joe to add a new dimension to gratitude. I keep his quote on grief in a notepad file right on my desktop so I an get to it any time. It would be wonderful if old age could bring wisdom to all as it has to him – but sadly, some lose it to disease, and others never had the right stuff to begin with.
      TJI #3 – Not yet, but still the goal … and slowly getting there.

      Oh, yeah, that quote – “I promise you, the time will come that what’s going to happen is six months will go by and everybody is going to think, well, it’s passed. But you are going to ride by that field or smell that fragrance or see that flashing image. You are going to feel like you did the day you got the news. But you know you are going to make it. The image of your dad, your husband, your friend. It crosses your mind and a smile comes to your lips before a tear to your eye. That’s who you know. I promise you, I give you my word, I promise you, this I know. The day will come. That day will come.”

    • TJI#1: Ain’t that the flipping truth? Hate to tell them, the Democrats will find a way to still punish them all. 
      TJI#2: A True President who shows gratitude and love to all.
      TJI#3: Most definitely. Our newly elected President, VP, leaders and committees are working toward it. Bless Ruth Ginsberg. 

  5. Cartoon: Yep. 
    Saw a documentary on the Tulsa Race Riots a few years back, and as Mitch as mentioned…it started with a big lie. Death and destruction 100 years ago. How horribly sad, that this even happened, the hate was strong over this event. Eighteen hours of death and destruction. 
    Thank you, Joanne for posting, and taking the helm, and also…for any incoming news re: WWWendy. Hope that she is doing all right…
    ***Word here…I didn’t do any TJI’s after hearing of our dear TomCat’s passing, from WWWendy. In my heart, I know that he is at Peace, and is no longer in pain. The Heavens have rejoiced at his entering the Kingdom, and I pray/know he’s happy. Rest in Eternal Peace, Tom. You were loved. 
    TJI: “The votes against the January 6th commission are admissions of guilt. Only guilty persons hide from the Truth.” ~ Ilhan Omar ~ 
    2. “My message is quite simple. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You. Not thank you for your service, just Thank You for who you are. Because it’s contagious. Thank you for choosing selfless service to your Country.”
    ~ President Joe Biden ~ 
    3. “Women belong in all places where discussions are being made.” ~ Ruth Bider Ginsberg ~ 

  6. Sounds like a good plan to me, Joanne. That goes for the time you post too. 
    I did the puzzles every once in awhile.  TomCat posted them enough, that we know where to find them if we wanted to subscribe to them. 
    Tulsa Race Riots: Horrible senseless act of violence on innocent people. Shameful.  President Biden is honoring the victims on tv right now. He’s the first President to participate in remembrances of it.
    The Hill: I’m hoping we can get more Democrats in these seats. You’d think people who see that these rotten R’s don’t give a hoot about the people or their rights. For some odd reason, tRump still has them kissing his a*s. Is it that when he was in office, they got away with not doing one single thing that they were suppose to do? 
    Mike Flynn: Link worked fine for me. I agree with Mitch that he need to be prosecuted and locked up for all of his evil doings. Just like I hope tRump will be too…hopefully soon.
    Appreciate you carrying on with Tom’s site. I know he’s looking down at you with a huge smile.
    Take care. Thanks Joanne

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