May 232021

Glenn Kirschner – He’s fine (in case you noticed he was not there yesterdy) – but received so many messages of concern that – well, you’ll see.

Ring of Fire – Republicans Panic As Biden Fails To Anger Their Base

Now This News – LITERAL barf bag alert – if the thought of eating insects bugs you, don’t watch.

Mrs Betty Bowers on Twitter …

Beau – an amusing video addressing a misconception which would be amusing if it were not so dangerous.

Well, that was fun. Now, Beau on one aspect of leaving Afghanistan … and it needs to be said.


  5 Responses to “Video Thread 5/23/2021”

  1. Barr Abuses Grand Jury Power …

    AG Barr was a fascist pig!

    Republicans Panic As Biden Fails To Anger Their Base

    True.  But they’ll manufacture some lie to rile the rubes.

    Chef Serves Cicadas 

    I’ll pass.

    Good to know that Mrs. Better Bowers knows Mrs. Madison Cawthorn.

  2. GK: I’d seen a bit about Barr and the Nuñes kerfuffle, was not surprised, hoped he’d get busted for it, and maybe he will…he certainly deserves busting!
    ROF: “Are ya that dumb, people?”  Duh…yeah, they are!  
    NT: We may all have to be eating insects in some years.  Crickets have been eaten for years, by some.  It does seem totally weird, however.
    BB: One special lady!
    Beau #1: Some people start out 2 brain cells shy of achieving stupidity.
    Beau#2: That’s what we do…use people.  On another hand, how much extended family would we have to try to get out of Afghanistan to avoid a massacre of relatives?

  3. You may feel much of Kirschner’s burden, Joanne, when you try to put another quality Erinyes out there every Friday for 276 weeks in a row. But no retreats to Cancun for you, eh?

    JM: That Barrf went so low in support of Nunes, of all people, is truly astonishing. I’ve always thought Barrf worked for the former guy only, so this action must have been dictated by that guy or by Nunes having some dirt on Barrf or both. I can’t keep myself from asking what was in it for Barrf. Did he really think the previous guy was going to share the throne with him after the 2020 elections?

    ROF: Sounded like there could be reason for some optimism but as soon as the Republican party finds a soft spot in Joe’s Teflon coating where a hit will stick, they’ll devour him again.

    NTN: Boiling cicada alive like a lobster? I can hear PETA getting ready in the background.

    MBB: 06

    Beau #1: Beau has been enjoying himself when he read that question; we could tell by the different tag on his hat he was going to take the mickey out of the fellow who asked the question (I’m quite sure that is a man).

    Beau #2: The very first time I became aware of this “strategy” was when the US left them behind in Vietnam, and then from then on in every country, it retreated its soldiers from. The last time it was so horribly evident what would happen was when the Kurdish Pashderma who fought Isis in Syria was left to their own devices. Now it’s going to happen in Afghanistan and Congress acts like it’s a new thing and down to Biden to solve it. 😝

  4. Thanks, JD 35.  Even with morphine, my pain level is too high for videos.

    GK – That’s what I expect from Barrf!*  Devin Nunez’ cow is a more credible source!

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