May 212021

You can stick a fork in the Republican Party – it’s done. Exactly when its ethical decline began is debatable, but Trump’s capture of the party’s heart and soul bankrupted the party morally. Republicans have turned Trump into a golden calf that must be worshipped – or else.

Pillorying Liz Cheney because she dared to refuse to parrot the lie about Trump winning the 2020 election proves the Republicans have zero concern for this country. Only the (no longer) Grand Old Party and its corporate and ultra-wealthy owners are of concern for them. They are hell-bent on defeating every measure that Biden proposes. If Biden signed a resolution condemning Communism, Republicans would all be waving hammers and sickles the next day.

Liz Cheney may be no saint, but anybody who puts honesty and truth over toeing the party line has at least a little integrity. She boldly declared, “Remaining silent and ignoring the lie emboldens the liar.” How true! And she should know. In response, Trump called her a “bitter, horrible human being.” For criticizing Trump, she was booed by other Republicans. And on 12 May the House Republican Conference took only 16 minutes to remove her from her position as the #3 Republican in the House.

What is wrong with Republicans these days? They howl about imaginary voter fraud while doing everything in their power to effect voter suppression through gerrymandering, curtailing mail-in voting, reducing polling places and hours, and forbidding people from giving snacks and water to those in line waiting to vote. They whine about β€œcancel culture” while they cancel their own. They may very well have passed the point of no return.

Democrats, however, had better not get smug. They need to work quickly in order to get important legislation and programs, such as the Green New Deal, passed while they still control the House and Senate. Rome is burning, so this is no time to fiddle. Time for every Democrat in Washington, as well as in state and municipal governments, to grow a spine.

Even though the Republican Party is effectively dead, Trump’s chumps will do all they can to animate the zombie pachyderm and pretend the GOP is still viable. Millions of knee-jerk right-wingers will continue to churn out brainless Biden-bashing bulls**t and parrot the same old election fraud propaganda. Even if Trump keels over of a heart attack tomorrow, they’ll allow his tiny dead hand to guide them.

What will happen now? Perhaps moderate Republicans, who have somehow managed to keep their heads out of their asses, will flee the party and form a new one; in fact, it looks as though this is happening now. That would be good – the Democrats need some competition, and we cannot have a one-party system. The current GOP has made it clear that they mean to destroy democracy in the United States, and almost certainly elsewhere.

For years I could sense that a storm was coming. Now the storm is here, and it’s building. We must make sure that we get out the Progressive/Liberal/Left-wing vote in the next few elections, because if the Republicans regain control of the House and Senate, as well as the Oval Office, you know what will hit the fan.


  7 Responses to “Sound Off! 5/21/21 – R.I.P. GOP”

  1. I’m using a quote tomorrow from Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There in Everyday Erinyeswhich is relevant to Freya’s point that Democrats must not get smug – and that it’s not necessarily going to be easy.  Our grest minds are on the same page on this.  The sheer lunacy – and the sheer number of unatics – is a challenge to grasp, but grasp it we must.  I don’t know what the answer is – but I do know it does not lie in good government and good policy alone.  Those actions are fine and necessary, but they do not speak for themselves.  We must speak for them as persuasively as possible.  Thanks, Freya.

  2. An excellent and eloquent overview of what the GQP has become, but most importantly a fair warning to Democrats that, given the current political climate, Republicans may yet take the Senate and the House. Biden’s electoral win without an accompanying win in the Senate is not enough to defeat Republicans, no matter what they’ve become in the last decade. A grass-root change is still needed before the GQP will finally acknowledge its own demise.

  3. Freya, I could not agree with you more.  I know that worm turned a long long time ago, because I was calling Crawford Caligula’s regime the Republican Reich even before Katrina.

    What will hit the fan is what comes out of that


  4. Great post, we must stay alert. 
    We are not smug, where others are, as the R party is unbridled right about now. 
    I feel that they are eating their own words, every time they open mouths in being spiteful, and lying. 
    We must set the rule(s) at being truthful and honest, unlike the slimy attitude the R’s possess. 
    And…call them out when they are not, and clean that fan continuously to rid the filth. 

    Thanks, Freya 

  5. Thanks Freya.  Those who funded the Tea Party and the anti-mask movements have also been funding local races, like school boards and state legislatures.  ALEC wrote the templates for the voter suppression laws and more.  Heritage has its signature on some things in a similar manner now.  The DNC is paying some more attention at the more local level, like legislatures.  Thankfully there were some who had begun trying to address criminal justice racism even before Floyd died by supporting/funding campaigns of progressive candidates for DA in various places. 
    We saw the turnover in public health officers receiving death threats, etc.  In places election officials have been subject to similar.  In some smaller cities and counties, city councils are being subject to intimidation, at least, for those toting guns with some similar characteristics to some we saw on Jan. 6th along with more recall efforts of anyone some GOP (or militia-types) disagree with. More articles with John and Jane Q public saying they fear becoming a target if they support something and/or question something else.
    Vigilance is indeed needed, at all levels of government.  Along with speed in Congress in taking the stress levels down for ordinary people so they have the capacity to do their parts with lower levels of government and needed voter turnout in the midterms.

  6. Excellent post, Freya.
    Our county has certainly changed the past five years, starting with the day tRump became President, an chapter in our history books that should of never occurred. From that day on, things were going haywire. He tore our country, turning our republican politicians into mini trumpy puppets that were programmed to do things his way only, not for the people or what they were elected to do, 
    What the GOP has becomes is a worthless group of pussies. Showing no respect for people.
    As you pointed out the ones who’ve turned against him, like Liz Cheney. have now been turned away from their own party. Just as others were speaking negative words about him like Mitt, even mitch after the January 6 insurrection took place, tRump still spoke out and his kiss his as* buddies all turned deaf and blind.
    I hope that Liz does start another party. One that will become strong and the existing republicans will disappear. We need leaders, not worthless followers/as*holes who kiss tRump’s as*.  
    Like you mentioned, we must stay ahead and on top of them. Making sure that they get voted out of office, and hopefully that’s for life too.
    Thanks Freya

  7. “If Biden signed a resolution condemning Communism, Republicans would all be waving hammers and sickles the next day.”

    That reminded me back in 2017 when Progressive Pranksters tricked the folks at CPAC to hand out little Russian flags w/ the Trump name printed on them to happily wave:


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