Apr 262021

It’s a busy day here in the CatBox.  Yesterday I rested well, but today I have my Trump* – Virus vaccine at around 10:00 AM.  WWWendy will be working at my old place this morning and coming to visit me sometime this afternoon.  The first time they gave the Moderna vaccine here, nobody had bad side effects, but prayers have never hurt, so prayers-up, please. I Hope this posts. I messed this up.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 5:55 (average 5:51).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Take:

From YouTube: (a blast from the past): The Doors – Touch Me

Ah… the memories!  RESIST the Republican Reich!!


Don’t Let Republicans Steal YOUR Future!!


  9 Responses to “My Update – 4/26/2021”

  1. Cartoon: Yep, I think they’re still around (3 legged chickens). They don’t care either, only if it affects them, (R’s)
    Early HI to WWWendy, thank YOU for all you do for TC! Best to you (always), Tom, and sure hope that all goes well/good with your covid shot. Get your rest, and take good, good care!! Enjoy your day. 

    *This just in: “We have to end fossil fuel subsidies, stop new exploration and extraction, completely divest from fossil fuels and keep the carbon in the ground. The time to act is now.” ~ Greta Thunberg ~ 
    2. “America is back. We rejoined the Paris Agreement and are ready to tackle climate crisis. Let’s do this!”
    ~ President Joe Biden ~ 
    3. “Senate votes – ’99 to 1′, To despise Josh Hawley.” ~ Andy Borowitz ~ 
    4. “Today’s Gym Jordan’s merry quip: ‘Why does Gym wear a yellow tie? Because he’s terrified of TOT.”
    ~ James S. ~ 
    5. “The goal of a health care system should not be to make people rich. It should be to make people well. This is obvious to every other industrialized country in the world.” ~ Robert Reich ~ 

    • TJI #1 & 2 – Greta and Joe are both right. (I’m assuming he knows we need to step up a little more than he’s now taliking about), and pantyhose be damned.
      THI #3 & 4 – They are so much fun to mock. I’d rather have them both gone, though.
      TJI # 5 – I hadn’t seen that yet, but I hadn’t yet lookd for him today.

      I see beer is in the news today (last night actually), and not even anything to do with Kavanaugh.  

    • TJI #1: I fervently hope Greta will not have to repeat herself to get through those thick skulls like the one of Scott Morrison, PM of Oz.

      TJI #2: Amen.

      TJI #3: Anything to get attention, eh Josh? A chip of the old Trump block.

      TJI #5: Robert Reich nailed that one.

  2. By the time I was ambulatory, you had already had your first shot. I hope and pray it went well. I expect you always give our love to WWWendy (since you know we always send it), but I’ll say iy anyway – love to WWWendy.

    It looks like there’s as nuch (in quality if not quantity) news about Mars this morning as there is about the US. Isn’t that nice!  Or at least restful.

    Cartoon – It didn’t even do that. Just an unvarnished disaster.

    Blast – Not one that I remember, bur interesting.

  3. Cartoon: Worse disaster ever.
    BFTP: Remember the Doors. Had some great hits.
    Praying that your Moderma injection went well and that it doesn’t cause you any issues.
    Do tell Wendy “Hello” for me. Hope she’s been doing well. That we think of her often.
    Nice to hear that you got some rest yesterday. Hopefully your days will continue like that.
    Take care. 

  4. ‘Toon: you mean that Q has not yet announced that that was really supposed to be nuke aimed at us, but it backfired?  amazing!
    Still love The Doors.

  5. TJI#!: Go Greta!
    TJI#2: Somebody please go pull her pantyhose over her head!  What a magnificent wedgie.  Shut her the hell up!
    TJI#3: Does he mean to say that even Cruz would vote for that?  Can we turn that around and do a cruz vote?
    TJI#4: But, James, shouldn’t it be faded orange?
    TJI#5: My stupid republican rider, of last week’s long birding trip, was complaining about “Socialized Medicine.” Today, he gave me a ride to do some gardening, and while he was showing us pics of his own garden, was proud of his pic of TOT.  But, we may not have a “health care system,” rather just another means for taking more money from the public while providing a “health pay” system.

  6. My thoughts are with you in the hope your jab doesn’t have any side effects you might regret, TomCat. After your vaccination please rest again.

    Cartoon: After 35 years the remaining wildlife is still badly affected by the fallout.

    BFTP: Never a great fan of the Doors, but I do remember this song well.

  7. Thanks and Hugs to all.  Please see today’s  Personal Update.


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