Apr 172021

The Lincoln Project – The silennce speaks for itself

Meidas Touch – Right.

Now This News – File under “You Can’t Make This Stuff Up.”

John Fugelsang is REALLY on a roll. It’ll take me days to catch up.
Ted Cruz FOX audtion Part I

Ted Cruz FOX audition Part II

Puppet Regime

Beau – Chicago – Strobe lights. The boy’s name was Adam Toldeo.


  6 Responses to “Video Thread 4/17/2021”

  1. The Lincoln Project: Made me think of the Grinch’s comment “Hate, hate, hate, hate, double hate, loathe completely.” Except that I could say “Loathe completely” for at least three of those creeps.

    Meidas Touch: With all due apologies – Hypocrisy, thy name is Republican!

    Now This News: Sure somebody isn’t doing a remake of “Splash”?

    Puppet Regime: Cute.

    Beau: This is why we should be hollering “REFORM the Police,” not “Defund the Police.” We need to tear our current law enforcement system down – not to the foundation, but COMPLETELY down and then get rid of its racist, protect-the-rich-ass-fat-cats foundation; and then start over on a new foundation of truly Protecting and Serving.

    • You and Beau are both right.  In a previous video, he defined “defund” as pretty much the way you are defining “reform” (and didn’t see why anyone would object to that.)  throw in a touch of Glenn Kirschner (extreme vetting in hiring) and I’d say we havea a plan.

  2. LP: What the video lacks in length it makes up for in power. I hope it is shown again and again on any form of media that will play it.

    MT: Spot on. But it makes me wonder who is sponsoring these clowns now. I’m sure these GQPers won’t take this stand if there isn’t a lot of money coming their way from companies who want to see their competitors hurt. Another trail of money to follow by investigative journalists?

    NTN: That looked pretty darn cold to me.

    JF 1&2: Both hilarious. And I’m starting to like Heidi. She can but hope that Ted will drop her for Karen soon.

    GZERO: Kim Jong-Un and the previous guy both in the doghouse. 222222

    Beau: I doubt that those strobes are a terrific tool as Beau suggests, even when used correctly because stroboscopic light can elicit epileptic seizures in people sensitive to it. Epileptic seizures may cause (further) brain damage or even kill, as tasers may cause heart attacks/seizures and kill. Add that to all of these “tools” given to police officers who aren’t well trained but only too happy to use them and another young boy loses his life.

    • NTN – Utah has some very unusual waters.  That section of river is near a hot spring.  Granted getting out must have been pretty  chilly in December.  Hopefully her husband had warm towels and clothi ng handy.

      And I had that exact thought about strobes. And they have been used as a weapon against oat least one journalist I am aware of who has epilepsy – Kurt Eichenwald. Frankly, I don’t even think they are that great fir theaterical use.

  3. Thanks, JD 35.  My ass hurts much too much too much to attend to videos.


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