Mar 272021

It’s a stinky day here in the CatBox.  WWWendy is coming to destink the Republicated TomCat before the Adult Foster Care Rep comes to visit.  I’ll tell you more about that after I know more, and that may take a few days.  In the interim, have a fine weekend.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 5:25 (average 4:59).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Take:

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)


Ah… the memories!  RESIST the Republican Reich!!

Don’t Let Republicans Steal YOUR Future!!


  12 Responses to “Personal Update – 3/27/2021”

  1. HI, TC and Wendy! Here’s wishing you well today; OK, always! I’ll keep an eye on GQP nut jobs if you don’t feel up to it,LOL!   Where to start? They seem to take turns trying to out-do each other! Brian Kemp & henchmen, Gov.Deathsantis,etc.  Re: Viagara—–OMG MAGA guyz become even more inarticulate, so distracted w/their brains=ding dongs swelling! Think I’ll go to the library—–don’t see many of ’em there! LOL!  Take care.The Cat Goddesses are with you.

  2. Cartoon: omg. Aptly so.. giggle…! 
    YT: I haven’t heard this one in ages…great song. 
    Hi Wendy! Hope all is good with you. Hope that your Adult Foster Care Rep will give good positive info. Hope that you have a good day, take good good care, and Thanks, Tom. 

    *This just in: re: SB 202 – “Under the painting of a plantation as a backdrop, Kemp signs away his citizens right to vote. Such a travesty of justice.” ~ anon ~ 
    2. Park Cannon (D-GA) – “If she can be handcuffed and led away, for knocking on a door, why can’t all those insurrectionists that breached the Capitol on January 6th? ~ Greta K. ~ 
    3. “Ted Cruz says owning a gun should be as hassle free as hassle free as owning a car….which…as I recall, requires a license and registration.” ~ @Jeraslkehorn ~ 
    4. “If you’re against mail-in ballots, you’re against our military voting.” ~ Vote Vets ~ 
    5. “I think adults sometimes don’t think about how children are feeling about the adult problems.” ~ Beverly Cleary ~  *I am saddened of reading of Ms. Cleary’s death at 104 years of age. She was a beloved author of children’s books, and her books were absolutely uplifting and delightful to read. Children and adults alike. *pb*

    • TJI#1: Kemp, gov’r by way of probable felony in the first place, will go down as a hero of the GOP, sitting at the right hand of St. Reagan.
      TJI#2: Desperate!  These bastards are getting desperate, as their stinking hegemony slips away.
      TJI#3: Virtually anything Cruz says has to be taken with trump salt.  POS!
      TJI#4: Oh, just like Bush Jr.?

    • TJI #1 – In a room with only old white men (and the cameras) present. A black woman state legislator knocked on the door, and for that was arrested, jailed, and charged with “obstruction.” Senator Warnock flew to Atlanta to support and defend her.
      TJI #3 – Most shelters now require a background check before allowing people to adopt, especially smalll animals who are most vulnerable to abuse.
      TJI #4 – Yup. And that’s the truth.
      TJI #5 RIP, Beverly Cleary. “I think…sometimes” is generally (and I’. sure it is here – the diplomatic way to say “all the effing time!”

  3. Hi Wendy! 
    Good luck, tom!
    ‘Toon: With all that blood flowing into the members, those guys are still less able to think.
    BFP: Long one of my favorite of their songs; first use of a harpsichord in R&R.

  4. We will look forward to learning something.

    Oregon Leads the Way – The Center for Effective Lawmaking has named Pete DeFazio (D-OR4) the second-most effective lawmaker in Congress. (First is Nita Lowey of NY, also a Democrat.)

    Cartoon – And when for some reason they can’t get it, they just pick up a gun and start shooting.

    Blast – I think this is one of everyone’s favorites. I occasionally hear it on “Performnce Today.”

  5. Love that song TC!  Adult Foster Care is a model used for more and more groups of people needing care more of the time.  Originally it was an alternative to an institutional form of care being done in homes just like juvenile foster care.  A modified version then appeared for those whose needs were more social, positive relationships something like Big Brothers and Big Sisters.  Hope you hear what you hope to hear.

  6. Standing by, TC….waiting to hear about this new program.  Just don’t let ’em match you up with (a) someone lacking a sense of humor, (b) someone who doesn’t appreciate your many, many other friends and (c) someone who expects you to vote against Democrats!   

  7. Cartoon: Yep, they’re the ones to abuse it.
    BFTP: Great song. 
    Hello to Wendy. I too look forward to hearing what the Foster Home Care Rep is all about. Is it someone who lives in or just visits multiple times a week? 
    Please do rest and eat, Tom.
    Hope you have a pleasant evening and get some sleep.
    Take care. 

  8. Hope your day and weekend went well…….

  9. I’m sure showering must have been exhausting but it also must have made you feel better, TomCat. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

    Cartoon: Of course it was approved quickly; it’s for men’s pleasure, isn’t it?

    BFTP: When songs took just two minutes but were worth every second of it.

  10. Thanks and exhausted hugs to all.  Please see today’s update. 19

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