Mar 262021

The Lincoln Project – “The Donfather Part II”

Really American

Trae on Sidney Powell’s “Tfucker Carlson defense”

“Unsolved Mysteries”

Cole and Marmalade – 9 Signs Yous Cats Are Plotting World Domination

Beau on Sidney Powell’s defense and its implications.


  5 Responses to “Video Thread 3/26/2021”

  1. The Donfather Part II

    Very entertaining.  But I would NEVER envision Trump as Don Corleone and certainly NOT Michael.  They were very smart in their cunning – but not Donnie.

    I’ve always pictured Donnie more like Fredo.

    Hey, Fredo – Want to head out on Lake Tahoe to do some fishing this morning?

    NORMAL: Gun Reform

    I despise being cynical, but I simply cannot help but agree with this sad, sad assessment WRT Americans and guns:

    Sidney Powell is Somethin Else Y’all

    Sidney Powell is also going to be EFFING BROKE & UNEMPLOYABLE!

    Not even Fox (also being sued by Dominion) is going to hire goods THIS damaged!

    Does Don Jr. Know Who His Father Is? 

    And Junior is supposed to be the “smart” one?

    9 Signs Cats Are Plotting World Domination!

    Amazed he didn’t mention that the proliferation of CAT VIDEOS was one of the signs!

  2. LP: Funny, but no more than that. Why don’t we all forget about the previous guy until his a$$ is dragged into court?

    RA: I won’t repeat my cynicism. America has enough of that.

    TC: You hit the nail on the head, Trae. Sydney Powell’s excuse is no excuse; not for Sydney Powel, not for Faux News, not for anyone. And thank you for making my day with your Southern-charm “Love y’all”. 🥰

    TDS: Hilarious. May I suggest genetic early-onset dementia as an answer?

    C&M: Thank goodness cats sleep 16 hours a day, so all their plotting of world dominion doesn’t come to much.

    Beau: The people who let themselves be duped by Sydney Powell’s lies and those of the previous guy and all his minions are the same people who flocked to them because they had lost faith in government and anything associated with it until he/they told it “like it is”, i.e. gave them what they wanted to hear. They were disillusioned and angry to start with, having been fed lies for a decade by the GOP. Imagine how they must feel, after five more years of living in an alter-reality bubble of lies, on hearing that they were in fact lies and any reasonable person should have known that. Here are heads exploding on people ripe for White Supremacy groups, Incels or whatever group propagates violence against a “weaker” scapegoat group. These are also the heads of people who believe automatic weapons are their god-given right.
    Good night, America. Sleep tight.

  3. It would not accept the rest of my comment.

  4. WE would not have given way to the evil Republican Reich!  CAT is where it’s AT!  RULE, CATS, RULE!!

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