Mar 112021

As I trust you know, it’s a humongous hurry day here in the CatBox.  Color me rushing!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:59 (average 4:43).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Take:

From YouTube (a blast from the past): “Going up the Country” – Canned Heat / WOODSTOCK ’69


Ah… the memories!  RESIST the Republican Reich!!

Don’t Let Republicans Steal YOUR Future!!


  10 Responses to “Personal Update – 3/11/2021”

  1. Cartoon: Pretty much sums it up! 
    BFTP: Sure brings back some memories, love this one! 

    Hope you get all your chores done, and that you get a chance to nap/rest in increments and afterwards too. Take good, good care, and Thanks, Tom. 

    This just in: “No, they are “Law and Order Republicans.” We are the Law and we Order women, people of color, immigrants and anyone else. who don’t like to obey our orders. ~StCroixcarp~shootingmyownfood~ ~H/T JD~
    2. “Americans disappointed that Biden’s dog is leaving Washington without biting Ted Cruz.” ~ Andy Borowitz~
    3. “Justice Served! – Senate confirms Merrick Garland as attorney general.” ~ Alex Rogers ~ 
    4. “QAnon Shaman – Nothing like being denied bond and held until trial to loosen up that tongue! The Proud Boys and Oath Keepers will be singing like canaries very soon about who in high places organized and paid for this debacle of an insurrection. ~ Joseph P. ~ 
    5. “More people in the United States fully vaccinated than people who have the disease since pandemic started.” ~ CDC ~

    • TJI #2 – I think he’ll be back
      TJI #5 – Good. As far as it goes.

    • TJI#2: Smart dogs do not eat infected meat!
      TJI#3: Go get ’em Merrick!
      TJI#4: And the fool who thought he was so special, while sitting at Pelosi’s desk!
      TJI#5: Well, this is the people’s CDC.

  2. Just got the email from The Hill that President Biden has signed the CoViD “stimulus” into law

    Yes, I remember you saying it would be busy. I hope you can pace yourself and also that tomorrow will be better.

    There’s a graphic article at The Nib on the history of chemical warfare whci manages to tie in to Women’s History Month.

    Cartoon – Looks more intelligent than I would have expected.

    Blast – I did miss Woodstock. But I know others hwre didn’t. πŸ™‚

    • I am drinking to that, Joanne…THANK YOU!  (Just a bit of Trader Joe’s Merlot).  As i read earlier, at alternate, i believe, Biden is bringing in the “Great Society” that the war in Vietnam precluded Johnson from doing!!!!!!!!!

    • Regarding Covid-19 Stimulus:
      Wonderful news, Joanne. It’s so nice having a President that keeps his word. Plus cares for the People.

  3. Hey, at least you can still be in a hurry!  YAY!
    BFP: You bet!

  4. Cartoon: Yep, that’s them hiding in sheep’s clothing.
    BFTP: Great one. Love the song. Makes me want to dance.
    Hope everything went smoothly for you; that your grocery were on time and that the two that come over to help your shower, etc. 
    Now I just hope you’re able to get your rest, eat and sleep.
    Take care Tom

  5. Take it slowly and don’t put too large a demand on your back, TomCat.

    4:19 Your Oxycodone has kicked in.

    Cartoon: I’m not sure that’s a Republican voter. It looks far too happy to be one 06

    BFTP: Lots of memories connected to that one. Thanks.

  6. Thanks and Hump Day Hugs to all.  See Today’s Personal Update! 18

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