Brief Update

 Posted by at 7:37 pm  Politics
Mar 052021

Good News – Bad News


Will have to put off “Friday Fun” for a bit (maybe this weekend – but might wait to next week) because I spent the better part of my day “visiting” with one of my doctors.


I do NOT have a melanoma!

(I think that trumps the bad news.)


  13 Responses to “Brief Update”

  1. Even though I did not know that that outcome was under consideration … I am relieved.  Thank you for the information!  We will look for your next post when we see it.

  2. I’m so glad you hunted but left Inspector Goosestep empty-handed, Nameless.

  3. I like Joanne wasn’t aware that you were being checked/tested for having Melanoma. 
    Happy to hear that their findings came up with negative results, that you don’t have it.
    Hope you have a nice restful weekend Nameless. Will be watching for your next “Friday Fun” posting. 

  4. So glad you got such good news Nameless!

  5. Good news, TC!  Keep hanging in, ok?

  6. Like the gals comments above, I didn’t know either.
    What a relief and GREAT news, Nameless. 
    Thank you! for letting us know. 22

  7. No Melanoma….always good news….

  8. Thanks for all your kind words!  They’re truly and deeply appreciated.

    Melanoma was just another concern (unrelated to any others I have shared) in a list of medical concerns that is much longer than I’d like.

    But as the saying goes: You play the cards you’re dealt.

  9. Hooray for your great news,oh nameless one! The cat goddesses and I rejoice w/you! 

  10. I know I’m not around much, but I hope you know I really do care and stay connected through Joanne. No MELANOMA certainly is good news, and we all need that! 
    I have been busy relishing the thought of my second great grandchild being born. This little boy will be delivered by C-section next month. There have been concerns because a cyst on his brain is showing up in ultra sounds. It is not growing, so that’s good, and testing reveal no syndrome present. All this is a bit much for me because this child is the first being born to my grandson AJ, who had a brain tumor when he was 8 years old.
    Fortunately, nothing has stopped him from getting a scholarship to a local junior college. After getting his Associates Degree, he surprised us all and became a FIREFIGHTER! He and his wife, who has two children from a previous marriage live not far from Barry and me.
    My oldest grandson and his wife in New Mexico had a baby girl in January. Dani is the first girl born in this famiy since her grandmother,my daughter Shannon, was born 50 years ago! 
    Why I shared all this right now, I don’t know, but I thought maybe TC would like to hear some news about life going on.And it does go on;No matter what is happening to us or around us.
    God Bless, be strong, and carry on!

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    • Thanks so much for the updates!

      You obviously have a great deal to celebrate with your family!  And I hope your second great-grandchild will provide only good news WRT his cranial cyst.  No doubt a good deal of anxiety WRT the ultrasound finding.  I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say our thoughts and prayers are with you and yours.

      Please continue to keep us updated – and not only medically, but your thoughts and input!

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