Mar 022021

It’s a really rough day here in the CatBox.  Yesterday the nurse had an emergency, and nobody let me know she wasn’t coming.  I felt very angry, because I exacerbated my back pain for a long time.  There would have been no problem if someone had given me a call.  I would have said, “No problem, let’s reschedule.”  But I waited for her for an hour.  Then I called, and it took them another hour to find out where she was.  That messed me up big time.  I need to go back to bed.  Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:59 (average 5:28).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Take:

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Donovan – Universal Soldier


Ah… the memories!  RESIST the Republican Reich!!

Don’t Let Republicans Steal YOUR Future!!


  10 Responses to “Personal Update – 3/2/2021”

  1. Cartoon: So sad!  
    BFTP: Truth! 
    I’m so sorry that that mess up happened to you. Surely there is a better system for them to at least get in touch w/you and to let you know they aren’t coming in/or running late/or who doesn’t/can’t show up. That’s just common courtesy to you, to let you know. imho. Get your needed rest, and take good care, Tom. 
    *This just in: “Trump is no longer protected by the Justice department’s policy against charging a sitting president with federal crimes. Trump’s legal problems have just begun. His legal worries are far from over.
    ~ Jeri D. ~ 
    2. “Gosar’s siblings, all of them…David, Tim, Gaston, Joan, Jennifer and Grace repudiated their brother, Paul, for his hardline conservative views and conspiracy theories.” ~ Griffin C. ~ 
    3. “No one wants a GQP civil war, but they cannot see the forest for the trees. It does appear inevitable. More popcorn, please.” ~ Phillip M. ~ 
    4. “After the Long Buildup by CPAC organizers, the speech by former WH occupant on the Nazi stage was nothing more than a fundraising appeal and an effort to let R’s know he continues to hold grudges. I guess he is hoping that they make an effort to keep him out of jail.” ~ Fred Guttenberg ~ 
    5. “Nurses are Heroes.” ~ Amy Klobuchar ~ 
    6. re-CPAC – “If there’s one thing R’s like Jordan are good at, is throwing BS in every direction and with gusto.” 
    ~ John P. ~ 

    • TJI#1: Special!  I’ll take popcorn, now, with butter, please.
      TJI#2: Crazy is a crazy does?
      TJI#3: I’d better read up on how much carbs are in 15 pounds of popcorn!
      TJI#4: Now, I undertand, he is claiming that his problems come from Biden, not Obama.  It’s just the same old same old, but on a new day.  
      TJI#5: Absolutely!
      TJI#6: that these asses are in this thing called congress speaks mouthfuls to the dysfunction of our system!

      • TJI #1 – Yes. Garland got out of comittee yeserday with bipartisan support (which doesnt mean there weren’t some who voted against him.) Barring unforeseen circumstances, he should get through the full Senate pretty easily.
        TJI #2 – A pity he’s the one who ran for Congress. Any of the others would serve better.
        TJI #5 – I’ve always thought that. Many people do. It is a bit more obvious just now. I hope we don’t forget that when it becomes possible to get them better pay and better working conditions.

    • TJI #4 – From what I’ve seen and read, Donnie’s CPAC yammering didn’t earn him any points.
      I like the pithy summary from “The Hill”:

      “… rambling, spiteful, scatter-shot, recycled, bizarre, angry, totally-divorced-from-reality, predictable and pathetic.”

  2. Not such a good day, sorry.
    ‘Toon: That was a good day!
    BFP: And, then along came GWB, and the never-ending wars.

  3. I am so sorry! Rest and more rest.

    Cartoon – Cleveland was, I guess, a pretty good guy. But the precedent he set still scares me.

    Blast – Yup. Of course, sometimes he/she has no choice.When the only two things you can do are join the military or starve…

  4. The scheduling snafu is certainly frustrating – and it seems avoidable.
    Emergencies certainly happen, but a text message only takes a few seconds to create and send.  Granted, s/he probably had other patients to visit beside you, but still it would have taken only a couple of minutes to address.

  5. Cartoon: Good.
    BFTP: Yeap, like Mitch mentioned we’re still suffering with the endless war.
    So sorry that your nurse didn’t make it over yesterday and you didn’t even get a flipping call or text. She could of called her department boss and had them notify you and others about having to cancel. Well I hope they listened to you yesterday and that will never happen again. Is she going to come over another day to make up for it?? 
    Hope you’re able to get some rest today and that you get to feeling better, TC. Please eat and drink your fluids. 
    Take care. 

  6. You were quite right to be so angry for being in pain unnecessarily, TomCat. I hope the nurse isn’t part of your new hospice care regime and if she is, you may want to reconsider getting up or staying up to wait for her visits unless it is absolutely necessary, for showering for example.

    4:18 So pretty.

    Cartoon: Good call. And what was the next test to discriminate against the poor, the uneducated, the coloured… they came up with?

    BFTP: Truth in 1965, truth in 58 BC, truth in 2021.

  7. Thanks and half-asleep Hump Day Hugs to all! 19

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