Feb 082021

It’s another painful day here in the CatBox.  I spent another 90 minutes this morning on the throne with Republicitis.  I had a lengthily exchange of message with Becky, my pain specialist.  I’ll be there for an infusion on Friday, and while there, I’ll pick up new patches that will be 100 mg, up from the present 75.  Yesterday I found the Super Bowl very disappointing.  Both teams played very well, but the officiating was so poor and so one sided that they caused a blow-out instead of what should have been a very close game.  It’s a shame that the Chiefs were not allowed to play.  I trust Nameless will agree.  All kidding aside, they are his team, but I was privileged to borrow them.  WWWendy is coming tomorrow, but she won’t be here until late afternoon, so I hope to be in the saddle.  Oh God, it’s Monday!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:46 (average 5:55).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From Crooks and Liars: Canada’s New COVID Test Is Not So Nice


In my opinion, the big swab ought to be mandatory for Republicans.  RESIST the Republican Reich!!

From YouTube: Our Sasquatch is a major advertiser!


Dang! She has a hot boy friend to sell her stuff for her! We love our Squatch!  RESIST the Republican Reich!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Somebody to Love


Ah… the memories!  RESIST the Republican Reich!!

Build the Future. It Belongs to YOU!!


  11 Responses to “Open Thread – 2/8/2021”

  1. Cartoon: Sadly, it still is…
    C&L: I’d take the nose swab, thank you…
    YT: I know that Lynn is proud of this one. (such a nice stroll in the woods too!) 
    JA: Loved her! Grace had a good set of lungs, didn’t she? WOW! 

    Sorry to read about your Republicitis, and pain. Glad/relieved  that you will get your patches upped too, on Friday.  Didn’t even watch the Super Bowl, though I did watch most of the commercials this a.m. Early HI’s to WWWendy too!  
    Get you rest, take good care, and Thanks, Tom. 

    *This just in: 1. “Trump excels in Debts 101 and passed the advanced class, Debts & Your Properties 401 with ease.” ~ Marcia J. ~ 2. “Every good nominee who’s confirmed these next couple years, every good piece of legislation that becomes law, every life saved or made better by it, is a direct result of winning the Georgia senate runoffs and none of it would have happened without STACEY ABRAMS.” ~ Stan F. ~ 3. “The last guy still looms too large, but hopefully he will fade more after the impeachment. I like how President Biden handles him, almost like an afterthought.  Dismisses him as too “erratic” for presidential briefings. And when Jen Psaki in a recent press conference was asked a dumb question about missing his tweets, she said (paraphrasing) “You’d be surprised how little thought we give to him.” ~ Cathy F. ~4. “US moves to rejoin UN Human Rights Council. ~ AP ~ 
    5. “If you privately tell authorities about someone into radical conspiracy theories, is that a Q-tip?” ~ Steve Foster ~ H/T JD
    6. “Confirmed Anti-Muslim activist Pamela Geller has been suspended by Twitter.” ~ Harry Enten ~ 

    • TJI #2 – Isn’t THAT the truth! I pushed as hard as I could to keep attention on those elections, and also donated a little. I was as elated by the results as if i were in Georgia.

  2. I didn’t sleep well due to pain and have only myself to blame – I spaced my before-bed meds last night. The morning ones have pretty well caught me up now, but can’t compensate for the loss of sleep. I’m glad you can see a light at the end of this tunnel. I know nameless agrees with you on the Superb Owl because his comment yesterday said much the same. It’s a shame.

    Cartoon – Today they would include Oklahoma, Missouri, Kansas, Kentucky, Indiana and Ohio, at the very least. SMH.

    C&L – Good for Canada!

    Squatch – LOL! Nicely done. Here in Colorado Springs, we have a Sasquatch that makes cookies. Delivers locally and ships globally.

    Blast – Republicans don’t want somebody to love. They want everybody to love them, without ever giving any love themselves. And unfortunately, at least a few of them have managed to make that work.

    There are a gazillion variations on this (or at least half a dozen anyway.) This one seems to cover the most bases.

  3. The comments of all the passengers on the sinking Titanic says it all. 
    Funny and sad at the same time. Yeah, I’d ask for a refund. So spot on!
    Thank you, Joanne for the picture. 

  4. ‘Toon: and, NOW, some clown in Texas has submitted a bill for secession! 
    C&L: I was applauding , and laughing heartily, sitting by my very open breakfast/lunch nook’s wide open ground floor window.  No one happened to be walking by.
    Y/T: Hey Lynn, what’s the story? 
    Love the Airplane!

  5. TJI#2 is beautiful.
    TJI#3 makes my heart sing.
    TJI#5 is very funny.
    TJI#6 mankes me tip my hat to Twitter.  

  6. C&L: If I had to have a test, I’d choose the nose swab.YT/Squatch: Wild but fuuny.BFTP: Always was a big fan of Jefferson Airplane. Great tune.
    Sorry to hear that you’re still suffering from Republicitis. Glad to hear that Becky is paying attention to you and will be increasing the strength of your patches. 
    Hope you have a pleasant day/evening. Do get to feeling better.
    Tell Wendy “hello” tomorrow.
    Take care. 

  7. I suppose there are no other options to control your pain than upping the dosage, TomCat, but I’m glad you decided to that. You’ll have to up your daily amount of bran too, my friend, and try to keep your bowels working because the patches are known to constipate.

    Cartoon: It seems to have been spreading ever since.

    C&L: Now that is a very clear message indeed. 06

    Dr Squatch: I had hoped this was someone you could introduce me to, Lynn, but I’m afraid this family member(?) is too manly for me. 45

    BFTP: Yes, I do. I think we all do.

  8. I completely agree w/ your assessment of the Super Bowl.

    Maybe so fair reffing wouldn’t have made a difference.  But the refs should NOT be an active participant in the game – especially always kowtowing to Tom “I-Love-Trump” Brady.

    Note the MAGA hat in the upper right cubby hole of his locker:

    • Mahones’s mother agrees with you, Nameless.  But if Mahones does, he’s keeping it to himself (and being a textbook example of a great loser.)  I saw an article on it through George Takei’s newsletter … one person went so far as to suggest (with pictures) that Mahones has previously been the beneficiary of (let’s call it) referee error.  Referees being human, I suspect that anyone who plays long enough will be on both sides of their errors more than once.

  9. Thanks all!  No time Hugs to all. 26

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