Feb 052021

I want to close with a serious news piece that I think is worth archiving for possible future reference.  But I’ll start with a fewer light-hearted anecdotes I came across.

Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) (former Auburn U. head football coach) proves republicans didn’t listened to Bobby Jindal back in 2013 when he told the RNC to “stop being the stupid party” and become a “party that talks like adults.” 


The Senate now has their own version of Louie Gohmert.  When asked by CNN reporter about his thoughts concerning QAnon Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Sen. Tommy replied: “I haven’t looked at what all she’s done.  I’d have to hold back a statement on that….  This weather’s been a little rough.  [Didn’t] look at any news or whatever.”

The weather prevented him from watching or reading any news?!?  *sigh*

Obviously he’s too dumb to be taught to simply say “No Comment”

Probably shouldn’t be a surprise that the weather prevented Sen. Tommy from keeping up with the news.  He also would fail our Naturalization Test because he doesn’t even know what the three branches of government are:

“Our government wasn’t set up for one group to have all three branches of government — wasn’t set up that way.  You know, the House, the Senate, and the executive.”

Well, at least he got one out of three correct.  I suppose 33% is a pretty average score for a republican.

Point of Interest: Question No. 16 in the civics section of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services’ Naturalization Test asks would-be citizens to “name the three branches of government.”

Looks like we’ll have to deport Sen. Tommy.

(As we all know, the three branches of the federal government, as laid out in the Constitution, are the legislative, including both the House and Senate; the executive, or presidency; and judicial, which includes the Supreme Court.)

And if you want visual proof Sen. Tuberville isn’t the brightest bulb in the chandelier, here’s a screengrab of his recent Google Search History:

Little-Too-Late Word of Advice, Coach: YOU SHOULD’VE WORN THE HELMET!

If you ever need an example of Trump’s stupidity (or like to review the lowlights of his presidency) here’s a Tweet asking folks to add their favorites:


Speaking of Tweets, I got a kick out of this one about an Andy Williams, a Florida fireman, who participated in the Capitol riots – but was sure the sheer number of rioters would protect him from being found out:


And also Bette Midler’s first attempt at posting a “Dick Pick”:


WaPo has done an excellent job of tracking Trump’s untruths through his four years in office.  They have compiled an excellent archive of his lies that is really well done.

The first provides an overview summary of his four disastrous years:


“Trump averaged about six claims a day in his first year as president, 16 claims day in his second year, 22 claims day in this third year — and 39 claims a day in his final year. Put another way, it took him 27 months to reach 10,000 claims and an additional 14 months to reach 20,000. He then exceeded the 30,000 mark less than five months later.”

Next provides a detailed history of his lies:


bit unwieldly (understandable, when trying to compartmentalize over 30,000 lies).  It breaks them down into categories of:

Health Care





Ukraine Probe




This one provides a Timeline graph tally, and a much easier search by topics feature – both single and filter for several topics.


Kudos to WaPo for doing a stellar job keeping track of what was obviously a never-ending Sisyphean task!




  9 Responses to “Friday Fun: Few Lighthearted Ones & One for the Archives”

  1. Senator Potatohead (OK, potatoes are not the only tubers, and “ville” means “town,” not “head” – but close enough) should get cable if the weather is preventing him from getting any news. If not cable TV, then at least cable internet (probably better because more real news sources and not just local. Unless he wants to be thought of as a couch potato head.

    And to think Alabama had, and could have kept, Doug Jones. Sigh.

    I don’t think I’ll pursue that tweet myself. What’s dead is dead.

    So, finally the ridiculously excessive surveillance (and facial recognition) brough to us by the Patriot Act basically, turned out to be useful for something – arresting self-styled patriots who are anything but. See, irony is not dead.

    I suggest Bette follow up with Josh Hawley. From there, the sky’s the limit.

    I’m shocked – shocked – that WaPo did not include “climate” as a category, and even more so that they didn’t include one for “Miscellaneous” (or “Something Else.”) How did they categirize “The hurricane is headed straight for Alabama”?

    Just kidding – WaPo really did a great job. Amazing. thank you so much.

    • Well, in the last WaPo Link they do provide a “Search the Database” which is quite comprehensive.

      And in the “Filter by Topic” they include Miscellaneous, and it appears Climate topics are included in the Environment category.

  2. Tommy T.; just speechless.  But, hey it’s Alabama, home of my step-son’s southern wife, now buying into the “End Times” myth.

  3. That Tommy Tuberville is a coach potato head (love it, Joanne) has already permeated down and into the Oz news. That’s the downside of 4 years of Trump; all eyes are still on you guys.

    WaPo’s never-ending Sisyphean task has come to an end though, there still may be a little one ahead during the impeachment trial, but Trump has already said he won’t testify and he has no other outlet like Twitter yet, so there’s only little to debunk for WaPo at the moment.

    Thanks for another good start of my Saturday morning, Nameless.

  4. Thanks Nameless.  That was hilarious, but due to Cruz, an alert was needed. 🤮

  5. The part with Sen. Tommy Tuberville, and his Google searches are hilarious! 🙂   🙂
    Excellent post, Nameless…still laughing! 

  6. Thanks Nameless your series does illuminate why historians will ask why any of the three ever got elected.

  7. How do such creeps, beef-brains and a–holes get into Congress anyway? As a resident of Georgia I sometimes feel that I should apologize for Marge Green, even though I’m not in her district (thank goodness!) and wouldn’t have voted for her if her only opponent was a baboon.

  8. Wonderful job compiling the Friday Funnies. My fav is Bette Midler’s “Dick Pic”.

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