Jan 222021

Speaker Pelosi on Impeachment and Unity

The Lincoln Project is also taking on Hawley. (And Meidas Touch is also taking on Cruz.) All their help is appreciated.

Meidas Touch (https://www.democraticunderground.com/emoticons/hattip.gif Mitch)

Founders Sing – “Impeached Again (Naturally)”

Now This News – As a Bernie Sanders lover who is also a knitter, I could not resist this.

“Insurrection-y Street” – a child could understand it.

This may not be the timing I would have employed to play this, but it was a request video. It is 6 minutes 43 seconds – and don’t start it if you can’t finish it – because it needs to be seen in full.


  8 Responses to “Video Thread 1/22/2021”

  1. This transcript of th first one is not perfect but at least gets the points across:

    Questioner: Well, you mentioned the humidity
    Speaker yeah
    Q yesterday concerned about moving forward fall under alienating republican, supportive
    S yeah. Well, I’m not worried about that. The fact is the president of the united states committed an act of incitement of insurrection. I don’t think it’s very unifying to say: oh, let’s just forget it and move on, that’s not how you gonna fly. Jow Biden said it beautifully designed to unite, remember and we must must ring the senate and look, that’s our responsibility hold the integrity of the congress, the united states, that’s our responsibility to protect and defend the constitution of the united states, and that is what we will do. And just because he is now gone. Thank god. We uh, you don’t say, presidents do whatever you want. In the last months of your administrator and you’re going to get a “get out of jail” card free, because people think we should make nice-nice and forget that people died here on january 6th that’d be attempt to undermine elections to undermine our democracy, to dishonor our constitution. No, I don’t see that at all. I think that would be harmful unity
    Q Madam Speaker on the topics of the last trial. You said that you cannot have a trial without documents and witnesses I’m wondering what kind of trial you’d like to see your impeachment managers put forth and that sort of what you’re waiting for some kind of guidance from the senate about how conduct themselves.
    S Well, let me just said that we were talking about two different things: we’re talking about a phone call that the president had one part of it that people could say. I need evidence. this year, the whole world bore witness to the president’s insight to the execution of his claws action and the violence that was years. So believe it or not I don’t take part in the deliberations over delivering making preparing for the trial that’s up to the managers, but I do see a big difference between something we all witnessed versus what information you might need to substantiate an article about teach math based on a large part, on a call that the president made and described as perfect. It was perfectly unconstitutional [noise]. This is different, but again it’s up to them to decide how we’d go forward. When we go forward, it will be soon. I don’t think it will be long, but but you must do it. Mhm.

  2. Speaker Pelosi on Impeachment and Unity

    No CC on the first one – so thanks for the transcription.  There will be NO unity without accountability

    The Lincoln Project is also taking on Hawley.

    Let the record reflect I LOATHE Josh Hawley – especially since he is supposed to represent Missouri.

    Hawley has repeatedly claimed he’s only “representing my constituents”.

    Well, Josh, the problem is you think your “constituents” consist entirely of Proud Boys, Boogaloo Bois, Alt-Right, Neo-Nazis, Oath Keepers, White Supremacists, Three Percenters and other radical right-wing domestic terrorist groups.

    As a Bernie Sanders lover who is also a knitter

    You’re stealing my Bernie thunder!

    • Thank you so much, Nameless.  I swear I did not see your post when I put mine up! It’s purely a “great minds in the same ditch” thing. And how can there ever be too much Bernie? Seriously!.

      P.S. I did the transcription with the help of “Cloud Converter.” I still had to go back through and check everything,and there was some garbling, but it was much faster than doing it from scratch.

  3. BR: As always, Pelosi explains it beautifully and for everyone to understand. ACCOUNTABILITY FIRST

    LP: Their signature videos have this whispering “echo” in the background which is very forceful and effective. Josh must be doubling up after seeing this; it hit him where it really hurts. His ego.

    MT: Bette saying goodbye to his big fat ass as only Bette can.

    FS: Singing this from Donnie’s standpoint, or rather sitting point, made it even funnier.

    NTN: Bernie remains a man of the people. The inauguration moved him to tears but attending the ceremony is not worth spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars on clothing designed to make you look smart but doesn’t keep you warm. Bernie doesn’t care about that at his age if he ever did.

    CTT: Insurrection street explains it so well to the kiddies that even their Trumpian parents can understand it.

    Beau: I won’t give the clue away, but it was worthwhile sitting there with my toes curling further in my slippers after each point and relaxing again – but not fully – after his final admission. Great stuff.

  4. Thanks JD! 03

    Nancy – I could not agree more.

    LP – He’s why Portland could confiscate the Chiefs.

    MT – He’s** not worth good bye.  How about good riddance?

    FS – Why isn’t he going down?

    Love Bernie!

    IS – Amen!

  5. All excellent. 
    Bette’s song was spot on..
    Beau’s was too. 
    OK.. all of them were great! 
    Thank you, Joanne for posting. 

  6. Great videos. Joanne.
    Speaker Pelosi: Agree with her 100%.
    L P: Prosecute hAwley, cRuz and the rest of the rotten R’s.
    F. S:  Fits tRump perfectly. 
    Meidas Touch: I can hardly wait till they handcuff and take tRump to his future home…prison.
    NSN: Great one. Love seeing Bernie.
    I S: Yes it explains tRump’s evilness very well.
    Beau:  True.
    Thanks again, Joanne

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