Jan 012021

It’s a New Years Day, here in the CatBox.  When the midnight hour came, I said, “ZZZZZZ”.  I did not expect to see this day, as my Oncologist initially projected my departure for last May.  I’m glad to be here, and I shall stay as long as God permits me to share my love with you all and to Resist the Republican Reich.  WWWendy is coming this afternoon, and I’m running late, because I overslept on my morning nap.  Thank you for being you.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:14 (average 5:39).  To di it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: As 2020 comes to an end, America has a lot of work to do. To date, more than 19.5 million people in the U.S. have been infected with the novel coronavirus and over 340,00 have died as a result, according to The New York Times database. Despite the rising number of COVID-19 cases and hospitals reaching capacity nationwide, some officials are still reluctant to follow health recommendations.

This inability to follow safety precautions in place to stop the spread of the pandemic has resulted in not only an increase in infections across the country but an increase in deaths as well. Most recently, Louisiana Congressman-elect Luke Letlow died Tuesday from COVID-19 complications after being hospitalized for 11 days. LSU Health Shreveport Chancellor G.E. Ghali confirmed that Letlow did not have any underlying conditions and was only 41 years old, The News-Star reported. He is survived by his wife and two young children.

Sadly over 20 million Americans have now caught the Republican virus ,and Republicans have murdered over 354 thoudand Americans with it.  I certainly regret the grief Letlow’s family is suffering as a result of his loss.  However, I have to say that this is one of those few instances in which karma actually worked.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from Portland): July 17, 2020: Portland Protests – Fenced in Feds & “Naked Athena”


Do you remember when the Republican Nazi Gestapo and Portland Police attacked Portland protestors and a naked woman chased them away? Oregon leads the way!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Buffalo Springfield – For What It’s Worth 1967


Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

18 Days Until the Big FLUSH!!


  13 Responses to “Open Thread – 1/1/2021”

  1. Have a great meal and best to WWWendy as well – as always.

    I do look forward to the Georgia runoff being over. I am so obsessed with it thta yesterday I misread an email subject “stop poaching” as “stop peaching.”

    Kevin Drum at Mother Jones predicts that, in 2021, cats will continue to rule the internet. And the universe.

    Cartoon – Such a sweet baby New Year.

    DK – The pharmacist in Wisconsin who deliberately destroyed 500 doses isn’t helping. And there’s no telling how many other saboteurs are in positions to do the same.

    YT – How could anyone forget that! One of the few bright spots in the year.

    Blast – It just keeps getting more and more accurate.

    • The pharmacist- There must be chargeable, indictable consequences, no?

      • Yes.  Fired first, then arrested, charges not yet formalized, but some likely ones listed.

        But that doesn’t bring the vaccines back.

      • As JD noted, there certainly are charges that will be filed.

        It boggles my mind that someone in the healthcare field could do something so wantonly cruel.  I think we’ll all be curious to learn what his motive was.

    Happy New Year!
    Happy Naked Athena!
    Sad for the Letlow family, and I do not expect other Republican geniuses to take a lesson; no, it’s dogma uber alles!
    Buffalo Springfield rocks!!! One of the great anthems from the ’60’s!

  3. Cartoon: I love little baby cats (and dogs) etc. So adorable!
    DK: The number of deaths continue to rise, as days go by, 19 Million infected! The pharmacist who was fired, imho, broke the Hippocratic oath ‘to first do no harm’. 
    YT: Such bravery in the face of hate. Bless her! 
    BFTP: Amen. 

    Hi, WWWendy! Hope that you get all your chores done, and out of the way. I got a lump in my throat, with your intro today. Love and Peace to you, and take good, good care, Tom. And…Thank YOU! 

    This just in: “Never in a million years could I have imagined I would go up to a bank teller wearing a mask and asking for money.” ~ CP ~ h/t JD
    2. “The spread of COVID-19 is based on 2 things:A. How dense the population is,B. How dense the population is.” ~ CP ~ h/t JD
    3. “I will stay up late this New Year’s Eve. Not to see 2021 come in, but to be sure this year leaves!” ~ CP ~ 
    h/t JD 
    4. “Trump News Network – as dull and tasteless as our steaks.” ~ Dave M. ~ 
    5. “2020 just tweeted that the ball was rigged.” ~ Randy Rainbow ~ 
    6. ” Sedition, treason. Genocide and then Prison! A New Year haiku. ~ Ramesh Y. ~ 

    HAPPY 2021 ! I hope it’s a good one for all of us. 28

  4. Rest assured, we share in your joy of still being among us.

    And I know your oncologist will LOVE to keep having you prove her (I think it’s a her) wrong!

  5. Cartoon: Happy New Year to you all. Cute kitty.
    DK: It’s been raising here in San Diego. We had a record breaking number of new cases today, 4,478. Plus another 62 deaths which is our second highest this week, All thanks to the people partying/traveling over Thanksgiving. It’s getting scarier, now that the new type of Covid-19 has hit 4 here too. 
    That rotten pharmacist that purposely left the vaccine out, will be prosecuted. Besides being fired, now arrested. I heard that the FBI was looking into the incident too. 
    YT: Yes I too remember that.
    BFTP: Great group, wonderful song.
    Hope you and Wendy enjoy your meal today. Please tell her “Hello and Happy New Year.”
    Take care. Thanks TomCat

  6. Happy New Year!!!

    I came across this video by accident but as I listened, I was very aware of just how far the US has fallen under the direction of the Squatter in the WH and his Republican enablers.  May the US return to its espoused values as mentioned by Barak Obama in 2021! . . . for all time!

  7. Oncologists tend to go for the short term in their predictions, not to give undue hope if maybe there isn’t, but yours didn’t reckon with the fact that you’re as tough as nails, TomCat. Most importantly, you’re a cat on a mission and that mission is far from finished, even though Biden will take office in 18 days. As long as life is bearable and worth living to you, as long as you can be yourself, hold on to it in 2021, dear TomCat and we’ll be there with you.

    4:06 argh! But I love those cows.

    DK: Luke Letlow’s death from COVID-19 once more shows that even being low risk and getting the best medical care doesn’t guarantee a positive outcome after infection. Avoiding infection is still the only option until properly vaccinated and even then it is best to avoid infection. Luke Letlow’s example is a sad one, especially for his family, but I doubt it will change the minds of many Trumpians and has them behaving responsibly.

    YT: Athena is well worth remembering.

    BFTP: Thanks for posting one of my favourite classics, TomCat.

  8. Thanks and ðŸ¤® Hugs to all!

  9. TC, thanks for being you,also! Glad you are still purring! Prove those Drs. wrong. My Dad was originally only given 3-5 yrs. when first diagnosed w/cancer. He kept going for over 17—–no extended hospital stays. He, his mom & sisters all  amazed medical folks. Also, Athena rocks.——-Everyone stay safe out there!

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