Dec 252020

GEORGIA – Jon Ossoff

Meidas Touch

This is not a video, but it is SO COOL. We should do this (But we won’t.)

This was put together by the Stephen Colbert’s people. Almost 8 minutes. Happy ending.

A video for Christmas trees on surviving Christmas with cats. Cole and Marmalade.

Beau on Trump v. McConnell (He has promised that today he will talk about the Christmas Truce of World War I, and I expect to have it tomorrow.)

The Huron carol – in Huron (and French, and English, and AmESLan. Anyone feel left out?)


  5 Responses to “Video Thread 12/25/2020”

  1. Nice, especially the ode to Mitch the bitch!  Hey, how many times in my life can I use that phrase against someone else??

  2. All excellent videos, “Twas The Coup Before Christmas” was excellent. 
    Gotta love Stephen C. 

    Thank you, Joanne, and Merry Christmas! 

  3. Ossoff: He had a little x-mas gift from Trump there, didn’t he.

    MT: Amen to her closing.

    BBC: France, like many countries, gladly takes good citizens aboard.

    SC: Loved the cartoon; the happy ending we’re all looking for.

    C&M: Those two sure were hellbent on destroying Christmas trees. Lots of great humour there.

    Beau: Trump never lead anything, not the country nor the GOP, McConnell has; even I can see that from all the way Down Under. But we’ll have to see how it plays out; Republicans in general have proven themselves to be as fickle and untrustworthy as bothe their ‘leaders’.

    HD: The Huron carol is very pretty and special.

    Thanks, Joanne.

  4. Thanks JD – Exhausted! 19

  5. Mitch the Grinch……except the Grinch was redeemable, not sure McConnell is so….

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